Saturday, January 21, 2012


SATURDAY! What are the first words you utter each morning as you open your eyes from a nights sleep? Well,besides the loud yawn! Ponder in your heart and mind, and then you decide, what is it, that I should say, first and foremost, as I open my eyes, from a sound, restful sleep?
Now say your answer out loud, and listen closely to what you deem most important in your life.


This is two words my wife almost hates to hear,, in the house,, outside in the wide open spaces,, Then to her,, it is o.k., and great for kids to play with, just not in-doors! I have watched my grand-kids mold strange things and when they show them to me,,, I have to really put my imagination together to see what they see, but to them , it is as perfect as the Mona Lisa, for their little eyes see great things, with great faith, for to them, it is an actually! Their molded "thing", is real to them,, what an out-site of a person ,, then they grow, and we teach them to only see the "certain" beauties,,, we deem great..

Well where would we be if we were the potter of us? Could we mold a perfect person,, and would we give it any power of judgment, or just a form,,,like the child's figure from play dough?

We are like clay, and You are the potter,, Your hands made us all. Isaiah 64:8

Thank You ,God for molding us from the dirt,, and then giving us a mind to move , breath, ... and not stand still , and let sin abound,, around us and within us.. Where do we get these idea we can't change? From where comes statements such as, "it's just my nature to worry", but do nothing? It's in our nature , if we have a broken leg, we seek help, not say, "it's just my nature to have a broken leg".
You can do something about that broken leg,, just as you can about sin around you, and within you... We can break the statue of molded clay, unmoving because of satans hold,, sin,,
We can use our God given talents,, We can cry out to Jesus,,for He and only He can change a harden heart, or reach out and save a lost soul...and how does He do it?.. by you and I asking Him to come and do it,,and He will,,,,for He has Dominion over all , given by the Maker , our GOD , with Him,, and as we call to Him, then,,we become a living being, we accept Jesus, we are saved, but without Him we are going through our lives



God, Thank You,,, for loving us, and molding us to be as You, and may we call upon You and Your Son , to lead us in all we do,, amen

John HIcks
Not standing like a statue,, but moving with a testimony of Him,,first and foremost in my life! Are you standing still, or are you moving also with Him? Make a decison!

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