Saturday, October 2, 2010


Saturday- The W/E is here, now is the time to kick back, watch a few games, work on that grass, wash the car, go to town to pay all those bills.. a full day of "things".. please include the "thing" that got you here,,,God Almighty!

Prayer Requests: Charles Crews, who is suffering from terminal cancer. Charles needs your payers as he undertakes this trip.. pray that he receives constellation and can be at ease.
Brenda J, a friend of mine, who needs prayer asking Gods' help in her life at t his time of her personal need.


Which one are you. the one who is standing up for Jesus Christ? Talking to people about His saving grace? His given opportunity for eternal life?
Are you sitting on your butts,, smiling like a sign nailed on a post, looking like a mute, as people walk by, and only nodding or talking of subjects that are all pleasing subjects to them and you.. never about God,,, only that ,, that is "politically correct" in this world of yours and theirs?
When I or anyone says we need to stand-up for God, and to talk to more people about God,, it is not, "like do nothing in this world but go around talking ,, God this, God that".. no,, He did not mean this for you, nor I.. He built this earth for us, and all the good things,, to enjoy, but by His rules,, not man made... but the meaning "testify" is don't pass up an opportunity to testify about His truth, & love . Just take Him along with you, and if you are a Christian , it will show,, and the thing also , is to back up those around who are Christan's... When you back up Christians,, talk about God,, then we make more Christians, and let me tell you, we need more!
Now, let's "us" all get up, and wave our Christan Cross.. let all know that we indeed.... are


God, We praise thee,, this Saturday Morning,, as our highest and most precious item of our life.. amen

John HIcks
Standing on the promises,, knowing that some day, I will be standing next to those promises,, promises made by my God and my Jesus ,, come on,, make your stand,, don't let the sinners circle you,, the Calvary of God, rides this territory and believe me,, they will escort you through this life, if you just request their presence!

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