Friday, October 29, 2010


Friday-I have run the gauntlet this week, and have made it to this day,,, For that,, I am thankful, and for the great days passed,, and I am more thankful that I had my Jesus with me all the way on my run.. who did you run with this week,, or can you tell us?

Prayer Request: For You, Me, Your Friends, Your Relatives, Your Enemies, Mine,, Our World, Our Nation, Our State, Our City,, God, we ask that you continue to have mercy on all of the above, and if you will,, continue to give us all of your blessings... I ask all to pray the same prayer, for our world needs it.


As I see it,, we live in a great nation, a land of truly, milk and honey. We also have brought to this great land ,, one who we did not invite, or did we? That is satan , and satan is smiling bigger each day. Why is he smiling? Because we are letting him gain his foot-hold on our nation, from the top to the bottom.. We must have a "tea party " of our own.. a tea party to bring God to the front,, to the front of the headlines of our papers, our T.V. news, our I Phones, our face-book, We must push forward, as hard as our ancestors pushed when they went from the old country, to the new, from east to the hard west, through the plains, over the mountains,, YES,, that hard.. We must bring Jesus to our friends, relatives, enemies. We must not leave one, no not one,, out of the line of fire , spreading the word of our Lord, no not one left behind.. Will you come forward now, will you stand , will you not back down from pier pressure,, will you push sin back and Jesus forward in your life and all you come in contact with? Think about it now,, and answer not me, but YOURSELF,,,


God, I thank you for our Nation, and I ask your forgiveness for what we have done to it, and I also ask forgiveness for all of us. amen

John HIcks
As you can see today, I have faith in our nation, and in all of you, but at the same time, I am real concerned of the road we are traveling.. for I see more space on our road, than that one running along side of us! Which one are you on? Huh? Choice!

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