Saturday, October 16, 2010


Saturday--Hey! It is here! The first day of the Week-End! You made it! Now go out , enjoy .. no matter the circumstances.. God has given us this day, and this day, let's give it back to Him, by taking Him with us to where ever we go.. showing others to Him by example,, the giving of ones self.. the best of "give-back" gifts ever!

Prayer Request: For our nation to return to the God who made it!


You all know what a light house is... it was put on the coast for navigational reasons. to ward ships from rocky terrains in the shore water,,, also to guide ships to the safe harbor .. when the captain of the ship saw these lights, he knew to go away . to predetermined distance to a safe harbor.. yes the light was the savior of many, many ships coming back in the days of old, when no radios existed.. The first light house was built in 280 B.C. and called the Lighthouse of Alexandria.. the first one built here in America was in St. Augustine,, by Melendez in 1586. first appearing on a real map in 1791 in London. Sailors of past, were thankful for the lighthouse, for a wrecked ship on a rocky shore, was sure death, and an ugly one of drowning ....
Today, without the "lighthouse" of our Lord God,, Jesus Christ,, we are destined to crash upon the rocks of the raging sea.. be broken to death, and to a death of an eternity of burning and hurt, with no one to caress the burning flesh nor wipe away the tears of suffering.. and this will go on , and on.
Why even wait and take a chance that you have the time to call for Jesus to come and put a light in your heart , to guide you through this life.. guide you around satan and his broken roads, pit holes, bursting rocky shores,,, guide to His Father, and forgiveness. and an eternity of the want of nothing, yes the want of nothing for it is there before the want.. God has seen to it for each of us, and it is ours ,,,just for the asking.. will you not only ask for your light house of salvation,, Jesus, and then after you have received Him ,,, then be an example and guide others to Him,, yes be


God, thank You for my light house,, my Jesus,, and I pray that you light the way for all who reads this and all that we can testify to,, give us the light to shine of your graciousness.. amen

John HIcks
I can shine only with Jesus in my heart, and I have Him there,, and I stand with a light in my eye, my heart,, and so can you.. by just saying ,, Jesus , I accept You as my personal Savior.. I believe in you , come into my heart and soul and save me.... He will be faster than the fastest of winds, as He enters into you.. so just ask and feel the wind!

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