Friday, October 15, 2010


TGIF-TGFTD-FRIDAY-- Walk away from this day with care,, walk slowly, carefully, for as you enter this week-end, enter it with care also.. be careful how you go, who you take, and most of all, how you act.. for there are two watching you very close, one is working overtime to get you.. the other is waiting on "choice"..yes, carefully!


I was asked , on the side of the road today, about a person, a minister in another city.. questioned of his guilt, not innocence. What was my opinion, what should happen to this person.. and how in the world could this happen in Gods House. Wow! A lot of questions, and all in a rush, and how do you answer? It was not really hard,,for I was, in a matter of a few words , answering all in a "one" time statement.. and having the other person talk to me for thirty minutes trying to change each question to rhythm with his beliefs of the situation, judgment was here , as far as he was concerned,, right there on the side of this little road,,by two people, today! I rebounded with a few things that happens each day, not in the ministry, but in our government, our homes,, our business.. and the same one who was working there, did all these same things there also... my first answer was,, "judge not , less you be judged",, and I said this in an added statement,, "sir , your belief is based on the news media,, nothing more factual,, correct?". He stuttered,, and then changed his mind and stood for this man, the same he had just judged a few minutes ago.. which did he mean? He had gotten confused on that answer,,, just as the one who was working just as hard to get him and I to judge,, just as he tried to work on our Savior many years ago.. he failed then, but continues to work everywhere and at all times,, satan is a busy thing!
What is this to do with the first part of this story? Out of nowhere you may have the opportunity to stand for your belief,, and when you do,,and it is a judgment,, think before you say, and remember that statement of "judge"......
It is hard not to have an opinion and indeed , judge harshly,, for I have done it also..but once in a while,, you get the chance to put that tongue in neutral, and let someone else do the talking for you, and then you can listen to the answer also and not make a personal judgement, listen to the judgement from God, and do not , you , judge


Lord, thank You for putting a foot on my big wagging tongue today, and talking for me,, for You were right and I would probably have judged,,,, if not for You,, Please help all who reads this, just as You did for me..also, thank You for giving me the chance to testify to this person, also... amen

John HIcks
I tend to say pretty much what I think , or as some would say, speak my mind.. it sometimes hurts, me and the other person,, so we all need to think before we "wag",, and maybe not be so blunt,, be truthful, but in a smoother way.. I will try harder,, how about you, have you quickly judged someone to quick, hurt to deep? Then mend that fence, now!

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