Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Tuesday-Welcome to today! Today is special.. it is "God's Day At Work",,, so this morning , don't forget to pack an extra lunch for Him, and I know,, all of you are excited about taking Him and showing Him off.. Retired? Out of work? Then take Him with you on that walk, that meeting place, or looking for a job.. might turn out to be a great day for everyone!


As I continue to look at the vast amount of people in this world, and the vast amount of land, the vast amount of different creatures ,,, wow! I can not do it in a life time,, for every time I turn on the T.V. I see something else, that I did not know existed.. nor something just invented to use , or do with.. yes it is a vast and complicated world! It was all made for us,,, so why do we say,, we don't have anything to do, or anything period? We have this world,, and to see it all,,, in our lifetime.. we can't, but I surely am going to Heaven ,not only to be with my God, my Jesus, and all my relatives, and friends,,,, but I am going to catch that morning cloud bound for "everywhere", and I am going of a ride that only one can dream of,, I am going to look this earth over.. I am going to dip down, and look at all these creatures,, animals, insects, and yes even some of the humans... yes I am going on a ride of a dream come true,,, oh yes, you can tell ,, I did not say, if I get to Heaven,, I said ,, "When I get to Heaven"! Are you sure,, have you made your travel plans.. don't say,, I'm not quite ready,, for you don't have any say about when YOUR train leaves the station bound to Heaven ,, OR hell.. so be ready, don't wait, go ahead and buy a ticket from God, It will come walking and with a stamp of Jesus Christ across the front,, you can't miss Him, if you will just call out His name.. so go ahead ,, get your ticket, then lay back and , you too,, can make your plans of what you are going to do when you get to Heaven... for I can just see all of us riding on that big white cloud of adventure as we go through this world and this universe ,, just rolling along


Lord,, thank You , for my stand by cloud to travel Your world, Your Heaven, Your universe , here, there, and all over, & Lord I pray that all who reads this,, has made the same decision as I have,, as to where they want to go.. amen

John HIcks
As I walk around on this earth, and see life , and the vast area' of plants, the wind, rain, sunshine, the moon and stars at night,, I tingle at the sight,, and my heart skips a beat.. and I then know as a reminder each time my little ole heart goes ,, bump , bump,, just how big and how great my God is! Can you feel Him today? Do you know the real of Him? Do you have your trip planned? If not,, then do it , now,, call , He has His hand to His ear, just waiting to hear from you!!!

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