Wednesday, October 13, 2010

THE devil WORKS!

Wednesday- Welcome to the "Hump" day of the week! You are now here and ready to plan, and wait impatiently to the coming w/e. You have worked hard these first two days, talking about the last w/e.. and waxing up your plans for the slide to this coming one.. make sure your slide plan has a conscience, and then plan for a great W/E!

Prayer Request: Kayla Scott's 22 month old son, who shot himself with a brad nailer, and it went to his heart. He is in critical condition at this time.. please pray for him and his family.

A thankful prayer to God today for the rescue of the miners, who have been underground for these 60+ days.. Praise God Almighty!

The results of the question yesterday as to how many would stand up for Jesus.. I had a 4.3% reply.

THE devil WORKS!

This ole boy never gives up! I have to fight him tooth and nail each and every day.. he is very strong, and I would break if not for my Jesus at my side. I stop and I wonder why he even exists.. and then I remember our scriptures, for we listened to him and God put him at our heels, trying to bite with each step we take.. and he hits the heels of many,, and they do not feel the bite,, but show the venom of the hit by their life.. Have you been biten? Check your heel(your heart, conscience) and see if you are carrying satan around with you , or are you carrying Jesus within you.. think about it and give yourself the answer,, for you are the one who will be accountable at the time of accountability.. please, if you have not put on a heel guard of the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, then do so now, this instance, put this heel guard not on one , but both feet.. and break the fangs of satan, once and for all.. I know that lately my heel guard has been scared many, many times, and I have to call out ,, and then I realized , if I have faith and I believe , the guard stands fast... I do not have to call out..He is always there... How about it,, want a guard? Just ask me,, for I am telling you that this satan is working hard, and never lets stand with me beside our God , if you will,, your "choice",, as we battle this


Lord, thank You for being a forgiving God, and I pray also for You to forgive my doubt at times, and I ask for strength in serving you for me and all who reads this.. amen

John HIcks
Thanks for all who answered the challenge to make known your stance for God, for even if only a few stand, He will stand with us, so have courage, and faith..... and if you are reading the thoughts late, still send in your answer.......

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