Thursday, October 28, 2010


Thursday-Breath in the clean air,,, breath out the unclean air , keep the body alive! Breath in Jesus, clean the spirit, exhale satan,, the sin,,, keep the spirit alive and in ones body!


Some people can run very fast,, almost as fast as a horse in stride. People have always tried to run from things. Not litterly, run, but ignore them,,, in hopes, at times, they will just go away,, other times, they work real hard at trying to remove them from their lives,, or hide them away,, deep rooted into ones mind, but at some time or another , they surface,, or catch up with you! You just cannot hide them away forever.. the same as with sin, and the one who carries it from person to person,, just like the plague,, with no "anti-body",, ole satan! Yes,, no matter ,, in a figure of speaking,, how fast you run,, or even travel by jet propulsion,, you cannot outrun him,, he is fast, faster than a speeding bullet, able to jump tall building,,, no not superman , for he can be beaten in all things,, for there is one ,, faster, more powerful,, made the building, and can stop satan in his tracks,, and take you to the and past the finish line with clear sailing for an eternity, with satan chained, and not even following in your dust.. yes you can be the speedster,, the fastest thing on two feet,, the winner of the ultimate win , just reach out and grab that "nail scared hand ", and go for the run of a lifetime,,,


God, thank You for Jesus, and may You continue to bless this nation, and help all those who call upon You,, amen

John HIcks
As I run, I do not have to cover my running mates head,, for I run with my Jesus, and I smile, smile while running through this life with Him at my side. Who do you have running with you? Reach out, and grab hold of that hand, the one with the nail holes .. then hold on!!!!

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