Thursday, April 7, 2011


Thursday- another of Gods' days! Amen! May we all have many, many more, and may we always understand , that they are only a gift to us, to use for a short time,, and that the longest and forever day, yet remains for us in Heaven!


Today is my day! I will resolve from doing most everything, so I can get out in the yard , cut grass, trim shrubbery, put out the mulch,, and tend my Gods' garden. Yes, he has given me this small yard, and gave it to me to tend,, to make it the best I can.. I know , watching these great pictures on the computer, watching movies on T.V. the great documentaries,, that this earth is filled with most beautiful scenery, we could ever hope to see... the forests, the water falls, the streams, small and gigantic into rivers, roaring to that waterfall.. the grass across the meadows, with flowers of all kinds, the barren cliffs. handing in the form of all kinds of faces, that you and I could never make,,, the rivers that run thousands of feet throughout eroded canyons.. leaving the sight of so many colors of the soil,, the deserts with rolling miles and miles of pure sand.... volcano rumbling in the bowel of the earth ready at any given moment , to explode, take life, and give life back to grow on hits barren land.. yes folks, I could go on and on about the beauty of this world, and the greatest garden in the Universe of known to man, and I am proud that God has let me tend to that little 1/3 of an acre, that I call home , here on this planet earth..... how about you? Do you give praise to God when you have to cut the grass in July at a 100 degrees in the shade,, well , ask, I do, and I am so thankful for the riding mower thought... and as long as God will let me,,, I will praise Him at every chance He lets me


God Almighty, I thank You for the garden spot You have given me to tend and the sight to see the rest by picture,,, amen

John HIcks
A believer in my God, my Jesus, and thankful for this place on this ,,Gods' Green Earth.. come , join me as we give praise upon tending His Garden!

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