Friday, April 29, 2011


Friday-TGIF: We have arrived to the day before our W/E, and I hope you had a great ride to get here.. and that you continue to ride easy and safe, and with God,, for if you rode in here with Him, then ride out to the rest of your life,, with Him also,, Never leave Him behind, He is the one who made the road, and don't forget that, ever!

Prayer Request: For all the tornado victims,, our pastors mother in Pell City , Al,, she lost a lot, and all the pictures I have seen are awful,, and the why, is Gods' why, not mine, for all I say, continue to pray for the restoration of the lives that have been spared.
Little Luke,,, result of the MRI, no abscess! No fever through the night,, keep praying,, mother gets to feed Little Luke for the first time ,, God bless Luke!


What was that? That little prick of a needle on my heel? It seems I feel this ever so often. I keep on walking, but there is that little something,, what is it? I just cannot get it out of my mind,, I have had this all my life... what in the world can it be.. there is never any infection, nor a mark, but the little nick of a thorn, a little bite , but no teeth marks,, but a small surge of a heart beat..
"Cursed are you above all the livestock and all the wild animals! You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life. And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers, he will crush your head, and you strike his heel."
Genesis 3:15 NIV.
That little prick of a needle on your heel, is satan, he never gives up, as the serpent crawls and strikes man,, and that small surge in your heart is satan, always trying to get in, and the only thing keeping him out , is Jesus Christ, if you have called Him in.. have you? IF not, then do it.. so simple, just bow your head and ask, Jesus, tell Hm,,I come to you, will you accept me in your flock, I accept you as my Shepard in this life and beyond,, be my Savior, I accept you Lord as my own..Now you have the guard against that strike of the heel and the surge of the heart,, you are safe,, believe! That my friends is what it takes,, for in this day, the only way is through Him,, "I am the way, the truth and life. No one comes to the Father, except through me." John 14:6.
As you walk through this life , wear this ankle guard of life,,,


God, thank You for giving us the way to you, Jesus, and His guard at our heels to keep the sting of the serpent at bay.. amen

John HIcks
I believe! I don't know very much, but I do know that Jesus is the only way,, I don't doubt, I thrive of Him, and I keep Him in my heart, what do you have in your heart? Check it out, and if He is not there, then stop and ask Him in,,, NOW! A choice of yours alone, don't flub it up!

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