Saturday, April 2, 2011


Saturday- Welcome to another one of Gods' days! Please don't forget to thank Him today for the day, and all the other things in your life from Him,, o.k.? It'll only take a few seconds!


This is a saying , that I have heard over and over in my life. Someone is going to do something,, and they say ,, well it is now or never.. and they either do it or they don't.
Here is today, and a short message from my little brain to your big brain.... Have you accepted the Lord Jesus as your savior? Have you committed your life to Him? Are you a Christian? Do you profess to people that you are a Christian , that you are a believer, that you have accepted Jesus,, and do you really let people know of all these commitments and invite others to join you? Or do you say to yourself only, I am all of these and more,, or to just a few who are not a threat to your surroundings of others that you might not want to stand out as a real working Christian...but no, you do not stand out on a corner for fear,, or embarrassment.. Remember, Jesus will , once accepted, will stand by you through it all, even to standing before His Father, our God, and taking all your sins on His back.. so answer the questions,,,, for the time is at hand, and you have been asked to do it,,, to commit,,


God, I pray today, that we all say,, NOW,, and that you give us the strength to stand tall and firm for You and for Jesus.. amen

John HIcks
I stand tall,,, and I stand loud,, but sometimes I feel like I stand alone,, and my voice is not even a whisper to anyone,, for I see so many people who look and pass on by.. how about it.. are you a "passer" , or a "stander", for God, and Son, Jesus? Yes , it is the time,, NOW OR NEVER! Think about it!

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