Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Tuesday-As you climb out of bed this great morning,, you will have a choice to make, work for yourself, alone, OR work for God , and have someone at your side that is cool, safe, honest, and loving,, not burning , sticking with pins, putting out trip hazards, lying each breath, and non-loving to any,not even to his self... So I can only recommend, take the honest loving Jesus Christ with you, and then have a great time,, one you don't mind telling about , in public! Yes, I said in public.. can you brag on your "doings of the day" in public, UN-ashamed!


YOU, are a mirror, whether you believe it or not. What you do, is you,, and when someone, reflects on you, it is an actually of you, as if you are looking at that very time, in a mirror.. One must remember, if it is done, it is done.. in a heated moment, or even in a slow, studied remark, or action.. it is done.. it is recorded, so be very careful what you utter, when the tongue comes in contact with the brain,,,
It is going to be reflected by our Master,, for you will set through a movie,, and it will not take long to look at. and it will all ,,,be about you,, a reflection of your life,,, and I ask this and only this,, when you are looking at this "life of you" movie at judgment,, will you have two things at that time? One, will Jesus be standing next to you ? Second, will one see the reflection of you and also, will one see a reflection of Jesus in your reflection of that movie over your life span? I am here to tell you,, and it is a truth,, if Jesus is not in the reflection of your "movie of your life" ,, then I can answer the first question ,, no, He will not..
What a terrible thought,, "no, He will not!" Can you really live with that ? I could not.. and can not... so if you have not asked Jesus to come into the rest of your life ,, then please do so.. so then can you answer both questions,, YES,, I can see Jesus



Lord, Thank You for Jesus, and Your saving plan , made just for me, and for whoever calls upon Your Son, for the saving lifeline He provides for all of us, when asked.. amen

John HIcks
I have asked for Him at my side, &, I can see the shadow of Jesus as I go through this life,, so I know the answers to the questions above, how about you?,,, if you have to even think for a second of the answer's,, then kneel and pray Him to come to your side.. make the choice,, of a lifetime,and beyond... of Him beside you , forever and ever, and remember, you and only you can make this decision,, mom, dad, sister, brother, friend, no one can do it for you, only you can do this one! So how about it?

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