Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Day Before, The Day After!

Saturday- Well , this morning , I awoke , and not to my surprise,, I woke up with a hardy beat in my heart,, of three things,,, My God, My Family, and My Friends... yes,, just like you, in fact , they are you.. thanks all for being a friend... Have a great God's Day, and invite Him along with you , where ever you go!

The Day Before, on The Day After!

Yes, this is the day that a lot of people,, including the apostles, where sitting, mourning the death of Jesus,, their Savior.. the day before He had been put to death brutally,, on a cross.. taken down, and put in a virgin tomb.. a big rock rolled over the opening.. yes buried. They had been told of Jesus' Resurrection,, but they all thought , Jesus is dead and gone.. not one of them, even Peter,, thought of tomorrow,, when that trumpet of the Heavens sounded, and up from that grave He will rise... yes folks , He might have laid there dead, but only for a short time,, for folks,, some did not then , and today do not,, understand and believe,, this man Jesus was and is the Son Of Our Living God,, and He will not die,,, but stand today for us , protect us from sin, and stand beside us in the Heavens Judgment in front of the Father.. Yes,,, folks He is not dead then, and He is not dead now,, and on this day +1 , 2011 years ago, He would rise up beyond that tomb of stone, and continue to be alive,,


God, thank You for Your Son, Our Savior of life here, and the hereafter, for an eternity. Praise be to you,. for all comes from You.. amen

John HIcks
In love today with Jesus,, in His hand, and trust,, is my faith,, where is yours today.. if not with Jesus,,, then make that decision, today, and turn to Him, call out,,,He will come in an instant,, and be saved by His grace.. go ahead and call out , even if you have before, re-call Him back into your heart,,, your choice and what a choice,, go ahead!!!!

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