Tuesday, September 3, 2013


TUESDAY- Welcome to another of His days,,, may you treat it, like you treat Him! Kinda make you nervous on how your day is going to be? Wouldn't have to be nervous,, if you Treat Him like the King He is!!! Agree? KEEPING PRIORITIES IN ORDER! This should be a question asked instead of a statement , stated! For it is your life, to go forward, you can't go backwards,, as much as we would like to.. it is only forward, and as you lean into your future life, be sure to have that hand of Jesus holding on to your lean, to keep you from falling down on your face,,, and just in case you have already fallen,, you can get up,,,by just uttering the words, Jesus , I accept you, and I ask you to lift me up and out of sin... and you will think your body is filled with helium,, for you will rise just like a balloon, and then life,, will go upward, and forward, hand-in-hand with Him... if you so desire, and you have and keep,,, YOUR PRIORITIES IN ORDER,,, OF PRIORITIES OF NEED! Lord, I pray for me, and all to keep You, not only holding our hands to keep us from falling from grace, but to be able to loosen our tongues to put forth Your word, and not that of the words of want to hear, from man to man,, amen John HIcks Just being me, and standing for my beliefs,, sometimes I tread on toes, but I have some sore ones also , for mine have been tread on also... so how do we walk on tread-ed sore toes.. with God in our hearts, and God as our number one priority, and as we walk in His steps, our toes, and feet are healed! Agree?,, asked "agree",,, again!

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