Monday, September 9, 2013


MONDAY! Good morning,,, and a happy Monday to you all! I am late today, I ahd to get some help on my house, and take Pug to the Vet... He got a good report,, he is 80% to where he wa, and althought he may or may not ever get any further, we are thankful for the report! Today, I want to wish our Daughter, Terri,,, a happy birthday! We are so proud of her, and love all our children! WHEN DOES LIFE BEGIN? I believe life starts at conception. Let's just see how life begins after the great event of coming into this world. With a blast , you are here, relief to your Mother, and a shock and scary time for you, until you are placed in the arms of your mother. You then are comforted by the arms and love that surround you, you are safe!!!! Well, from there you go the accountability of your life, this is what God says. When you get there (you will know your age of accountability), you are then responsible for your life and your actions. You can pray and accept Jesus, and just as you felt the arms of comfort from your mother at birth, you will feel this warm wrap around you as you have never felt before. He will carry you through all good times, and hard times. You just have to call on Him. So your life has begun, and then we sometimes, stop and say, when will my life begin? This statement is one of misdirection. Life has and is going at full speed. Your requests may have not been met, but that only means that you need to look at the fork in the road , and see what God has posted for you to follow. It will show two signs, you, and God! Follow the sign that reads"God", and then your life will re-begin,, in His name and not your wants.... What ever will come, will come,, trust me, even if it is not exactly what you had in mind, but you will feel the direction, just give in and accept it. Get out there in this world and participate with His world, and get away from the cocoon of safety. Work for His cause and then you will see THAT LIFE IS AT FULL SPEED, IT HAS ALREADY BEGUN !!!! DON'T WASTE WHAT GOD HAS GIVEN!!! Lord, thank You for being the driver of my life, and may we all put our full trust in You , amen John HIcks IT IS TIME FOR US TO GET OFF OUR BUTTS, AND CARRY THE WORD OF GOD TO ALL WE MEET, AND ALSO I THINK WE NEED TO BE WORKING IN OUR OWN COMMUNITY ,, VISITING, AND HELPING THOSE WHO NEED OUR HELP... I AM ONE WHO IS AT A BIG FAULT OF THIS...BUT WILL CORRECT IT!! THIS IS IN CAPS, FOR WE ALL NEED TO READ THIS, AND BE ABOUT GODS BUSINESS, INSTEAD OF OTHERS! Have a great day!,, and may He bless each one of you! ");

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