Wednesday, September 4, 2013


WEDNESDAY! Yes,, the ole "hump" day! Plans being made, for this week is half over,, but as I always say,, STOP! Experience what God has given you this very instance,,,for He is at work now, and He says ,, sure,, plans are great, but always be prepared for the now, for He is the Flame of Your Candle,, so don't hurry to extinguish it too "pre-mature",, live as He wants you too,now! Plan for Him first, then the rest of this day, and this week, the week-end, all second! Have a great God's day, for all of them are His!!! Today's "Thoughts" are late,, for yesterday , a I tore down the back of my roof,, one of the large boards, un-be-knowingly,,, hit my little Pug in the back of his head, knocking him out for a time, as I did not know it had back-lashed off the house and hit him,,until I heard him , moaning, awake, but unable to move ... rushed him to the Vet.. examine, steroids administered, x-rays taken, nothing broken, but spinal cord was swollen.. lost control of both front legs, this morning he had gained some standing on his left leg, and his right was completely life-lessly hanging.. he tired to walk but fell each time.. Libby and I , as I put my hands on his hurt leg, prayed to God ,, and I acknowledged to Him, of our and my faith of His instance help.. and folks , believe it or not,, after the prayer,, Pug got up hopped, fell, and then started walking some with less balance and falling , until we had to rush to the gate and close it... for he had already fell, making it to there, then off to the yard, hopping and falling, then a little more use of the r left leg,, then the right leg with very limited use, but some.. then on to His pad, and relief from him and us, as He looked up at us, and closed his eyes, and rested,then we shouted praise to God, and cheered to Him, and then to Pug, and then Libby went and cooked him ham & eggs, and He ate like there was no tomorrow...I am reporting on this as my testimony of how quick our God hears, and how quick He answers,, even when sometimes we think of Him being too slow , He still answers as He sees fit,, and well on this one ,,it was instance.. so don't ever doubt the Lord, even on your pets, for He answers prayers from you,, of all kinds,,, Praise God, for He gets all the credit, and glory!!!!! Pug is still resting after that big meal,, and we will see what God has in-store for him and us,, this rest of His day! TESTIMONY OF,, AND TO,,, MY GOD! THANK YOU GOD! John HIcks Tears of joy runs down my and Libby's cheeks and they are tears from my Lord of Happiness! I hope I did not bore you this day, but I do not apologize for talking of the miracles of my God! Have a great God's day! Glory to Him!!!

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