Monday, September 16, 2013


MONDAY! Good morning to all... enjoying the cool mornings drinking my coffee under the carport,,, and this morning watching the sun rise,,, and it is so awesome to watch God change the night to day,, and the twilight that slowly creeps into full light of day! God is awesome!! Just think, if man was in charge of the rising of the sun,, there would be a loud pop, and it would be light and hot in an instant,, if they didn't break it! Ha! We sure are fortunate to have a good and great One to take care of us... even if we do think we are the chiefs of all....we are not,,, He is the Chief!!! and man had better revamp, and realize that again ,,, in this time of our lives!!! Prayer Requests: For Susan Lowe Roberts, who will be having surgery today, and for her son Kevin , who is recovering from his accident, may the Dr. be under Gods hands, and may He be at the son's side. Makyla, 15 yr. old girl who is losing her eyesight in one of her eyes, and they do not know the reason, and are skeptical of the other eye... please pray for God to have mercy on this young person. THE DINOSAUR! Wow,, how can something so big just disappear,, extinct? No more! No eggs? No seed! Man is still guessing why the dinosaur disappeared.. it is a mystery that only can be scientifically "guessed". We find remains buried for centuries,, almost intact, some are put together, and gives us the picture in our heads of how these monsters looked. These were God created as all things are,,, and disappeared by Him,,, this I believe,, why? I do not even give it but a small tiny thought, for God made, and had His reasons... just like a tree, first made, with 100 rings, and tell me how old this tree was, for it was created instantly by God.. yet we count it by rings today,, so no, I do not doubt what God made. Now ,, God created us also,,,, and Adam was created from the dust, and was up , grown, walking at an instant, same as the tree,,, and then God created woman, for man, alive and grown,,, and then man, and woman sinned,, and we were given a death sentence from God... and then God gave us a way out of this thing called sin, by sending us His Son,, and we accepted Him, this Son, who died for us, and was raised from the dead,,, and as we accept Him we become Christians... Now we are called Christians,,, and we are working at going extinct also,,, will God let us do this? Certainly He will,,, for He gives us "choice",,,even though, He would be sadden so much,, that when we deny Him ,, He will destroy us all,, for in my mind ,, He will never let this earth go "satan" all the way... We, as "Stale Christians" are ,, as it seems,, letting satan work,,,, in our schools,, government,, our public,,, our homes,,, and yes,,, in some of our most sainted places.... We must all stand up for God,,NOW! SPEAK OUT!! Turn this trend of sin, from going forward , to satan, and we must move back to Jesus, and the Father, God,,, Yes, we must go to work, not just set back on our backsides,, mouth closed,,, heads drooped in shame,,, for denying Him, and letting satan ride over this world,, and make us extinct as the dinosaur,,, NO!!! WE MUST HIT OUR KNEES AND PRAY TO GOD, AND BECOME MEN OF HIS FAVOR ,, AGAIN, BEFORE !!!!!! WE BECOME EXTINCT ALSO! Lord,, I pray for the strength to stand tall for You,, speak for You,, of You,, and Lord I pray for a stampede of others to stand also... amen John HIcks I will fight for Him to the death,,,, I will pick up the sword of Christianity,,, and fight the dragon of sin,,, Are you with me or will you continue to sit on your backside,, and burn???? ");

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