Tuesday, September 4, 2012


TUESDAY! I hope all had a great Labor Day week-end! Ours was great! Slept late this morning, and even thought that is unusual, it was a treat, and I kinda liked it!!!! I feel like when you wake up, and have to rub that ole sleepy out of those eyes, God has given you a great nights sleep,,, and you can rest assured, He was right there with you, so the next time you wake up, and have to rub your eyes, just smile, and say, "thanks for the great nights sleep"...and He will hear you... and He will like what He hears!!!


You "young-uns" don't remember at the movies, when they would put on the screen, "Short Subjects",, but it was entertainment as we new it then, for it gave us some type of information we would not have received, and we did not boo it while waiting on the main feature.. we just agreed that these "short subjects" was a gift to us to give us some entertainment,, and an extra pre-ceeded all the "movies".

Well , here is my idea on this, "LIFE". It is the short subject here, and it is given to us by Him, for our pre-entertainment,,,,, and that entertainment is to enjoy this world,,and to serve Him..and He gives us a choice to do this little movie, of us and Him , together.. before the "main feature", and He give us the chance of choice to do it with Him,,, or the other one playing "down the way", and as to which one you choose for your movie before the feature presentation,, is strictly,


Lord, I am picking You for my short subject" production , and know that I will receive the "forever feature" in the end,, of the real beginning. amen

John HIcks

Just a servant , and a voice for Him, & if my voice ever gets to hot or steps on toes, ,, don't get out of the kitchen, just have a seat next to Him, and He will cool you down, and cover your toes!!!

Again , it is a choice, and it is yours!!!

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