Tuesday, September 18, 2012


TUESDAY! Waking up with the Lord? If you do have Him in not in your heart,, remember , He is there, just waiting for you to ask Him,, the other one standing there? Well, he does not need an invitation, he is very impolite, aggressive, belligerent.. and carrying death forever in his hand, he is satan, the devil! Now, to eliminate satan, just ask Jesus into your heart, and give Him your heart and soul,, tell Him , and mean it, that you give Him your all,, and then,,,,satan is kicked clean out, not just your bedside, but your home, your body, your life. All you have to do after that request and receiving your Lord and Savior,, is keep Him close by talking to Him daily, more than just once,but multiple times, for He can hear all, and at one time,, pretty good , huh? So, now re-wake , if needed , if not ,, have a great God's day, and be sure and give Him the thanks!


We need to do more looking up! For two things,

First: I hope and pray , never comes, but it looks like , if we stay on the same "leaders" course, we might see, and that is an invasion of our Homeland,,, for it is happening now at our embassy's..... (give the Marines the order to defend, and shoot when needed, defend our land),,, If we keep apologizing,, what do you expect?

Second: The time is ripe , for our Savior to come, (no one knows this time , except my Father in Heaven, quote by, Jesus),, but I look at the things that are happening,,, and I start wondering,, isn't it near... My Mom, and my Dad, and all the preachers, said in the 50's.. the time is at hand,, but we just don't know, for they had seen two world wars,, we have seen so much more.

We have send the biggest decay of Morals in this nation, ever!!!!

So, I just say,,, pray for the HEALING of the United States, ,the forgiveness of our sins, and let God back in 100%, and keep Him in the front of our path of life, not being, ,nor even side by side, but in front of our all....and also,, keep your Faith, and your eyes to


Lord, forgive us, heal us, and watch over us all, for we all have sinned,, & ask for forgiveness, amen

John HIcks

Just trying to be a servant, not real good at it, but with faith, we all will be better wittiness's.. a choice we all must make,and it is individual.. right? Made one yet?

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