Tuesday, May 8, 2012


TUESDAY- This morning, my eyes opened, because my Lord wanted me to wake, and serve Him by telling all of His greatness, His love , His kindness, and ,yes His wrath , if needed, so here goes... with coffee in-hand,, listen to the following: God is real, He is alive and He is well, He is here with you and with me,, He walks these streets, He lays in all the beds,,He is in charge, no matter what you think , it is He who will rule , not the government,, nor the rich, but He and us,, the ones who have asked for redemption through His Son,, to forgive us of our sins,,, Yes, He is alive and well, and DON'T YOU DARE FORGET IT!

Prayer Requests: Jean and Rufus Whitworth, both are having severe health problems.

Frank and Lori, Frank is going today for chemo, last trip , he was too thin to have it , pray he can today, for without it, His cancer moves real fast. Lori's mass in her throat is better, she can swallow better, and is going for a scan to see just what it is, and what can be done. (Continue to pray for Barbara, the mother, who is still traveling from work, home and hospitals, doctors with them,, pray for her to continue to have the strength, that only God can give) . Pray for these three, and the two above,, Thank you very much, for we know prayer makes a difference .

For rain as You see fit , Lord, we are in Your hands!


Beware of the rabid dog, for bitten, you too can become as he.. and folks, satan is worst than that rabid dog,
You can take shots in the belly for that rabid dog, if you know he is rabid, and if bitten by a sinner,, you can take a shot of Jesus in the heart for satan, and it heals instantly, and it works every time.
All you have to do is call out, for sometimes we can't see satan, but he is everywhere , and if you call , then the worry can stop, for Jesus will be your fence, and will keep the rabid one, and his workers from you,, so smile and walk with the worry free protector,Jesus,and you will not have to look nor worry about wandering upon


God thank You, for your Son, Jesus , and the fence of protection from satanaround us when we call out and ask for it! amen

John HIcks
Call out before you are engulfed by satan, ask in advance , you buy insurance and believe in that picee of paper, why not a sure thing, Jesus,,,so make a choice.. now!

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