Wednesday, August 24, 2011


WEDNESDAY! Yes, it is the ole "hump" day...the climb from Monday to now.. and at the top of week,, ready to slide down to Friday afternoon! You have slowly climbed to here,, you have planned the w/e, yes early, for you can't wait to get there! You have tired to grease that slide of Thursday, and Friday, with enough to slide quick and sure,, but just enough to stop at 4 or 5 p.m. on Friday afternoon.. now, the plan,, is it a good one? One you can talk about next Monday,,, one you can do in the open, just in case you meet someone you know..that's the kind of w/e I mean,,, Oh move on off the slide,, don't get bumped to the ground ,,, your partner you picked to slide with you to here and through the w/e is coming down right there behind you! Look out!,, What? I can't hear you! Did you say... you did or did not invite Him, Jesus, to slide and go with you?

PRAYER REQUEST: For Tommy Mullings, who is back in the hospital.. please pray for him .. he has had hard times. and pray for his relief and getting well.


This is one thing that we have control over.. yes we do.. it is according to us following Gods plan. We may not get what we want in this life,,, that we think that we should have, or that we deserve,, yes, we have worked so hard, and some joker down the street or in town, or out in the country ,, has more than we do.. Whats up? God has made His plan,, and the one thing of choice He has given us all,,, is the choice of the greatest of the wealth, Him!

Not what we as humans in this life know of.. and that is gold, silver, the almighty dollar,, more physcial things, than our neighbors, or anyone else,, but the choice of having a city, streets paved with gold, no thirst, no hunger. no threat of a storm. or death,, where only love abounds, and you can be with your loved ones for an eternity! Yes, He has given us all an equal chance for the above.. and that is our choice.. to lean on Him, and not the physical things. for does He not feed the birds, and cloth them.. did He not clothe Adam and Eve? Through faith , will He not care for you,, in His way? Then with faith of this , and living with this faith,,, and the making the choice of Him over all,, you will enjoy ,,,not only

Just ask for the hand of Jesus,, that is all it takes, and you will have a life,, here and there, I gurantee it!

Lord, thank You for my riches here,, Your Jesus and His saving power, and all the wealth you promise me in Heaven, for I have the faith, and the blief of your word. amen

John HIcks
Where do you stand this day?, with worn knees,, or bright shinning knee caps, with a little smoke comiing out of them? Well, you know,, it is your choicce, so let's just see ,,, "just how smart are you?'

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