Tuesday, August 23, 2011


TUESDAY,, Welcome to another one of God's great days! I hope all had a great start of the week,, and that your trip each day through this world, will includes Jesus with you at all times, yes ALL TIMES! Without Him, there would be no trip, just a bland life ,then death.... wow,, that is awful! Do you agree, or do you look for this bland life? Me, I look for the "Life With Jesus" , and that is the most exciting and colorful made, ever. How about you,, just what are you looking for in this world? Jesus, or non-Jesus?

Prayer Request: For my brother , Sam, who is going into heart surgery on the 20th of Sept..He is now taking meds to "get him ready" for this surgery, they cannot control his B/P, or pulse,, the pacemaker won't do it.. so the must go into the heart to do this corrective surgery.. please pray for him starting now, and I will keep you posted on his condition.


I have heard this from since I was a little boy... "they made it on blind faith", or "it was blind faith that they made it, or it happened"... there is no such thing as "blind faith"! You may have the Lords' intervention, that you were not expecting,, or a "miracle",, as I have told of many.. but I guarantee you ,, none of the great things, or the un-expected have been blind! Why do I say this, and why do I believe this? God has never done anything "blind".... He knows exactly what is and what is about to happen... and faith,,, no, mine is not "blind" either, for my faith is what I know,, what I see withing my heart.. what I have seen around me... what I see as I roll my eyes from one side to the other and what I see in between these rolls of the eyes! Someone blind did not built them,, and if we had evolved,, we would all be another species.. for God made all and we were made by HIm ,, not evolved anyway... I have that open , ever-seeing faith of this.. There is nothing real about "blind faith",,, for



God, thank You for my eyesight of You, Jesus and what You can do , have done, will do for me.. for I see it ,, just as plain, as I see...... all.. for you are ALL. amen

John HIcks

Eyes wide open, seeing, and believing.. come join me, and let's spread the word together... it seems to be lacking in a lot of places.. like our Capitol.. our oval room... our "every-dayers"? Yes, ,, we are all in need of more eyesight,, and take the blinders of faith off, and us it,, for it works,, just try it out, and then step back ,, and watch God move that mountain.. yes that mountain,, just that little grain will move it,,, AND JESUS SAID THAT! ( Right , Amanda?)

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