Sunday, August 21, 2011


SUNDAY- today is rest day,,, if your work allows it.. some have to do what they have to do... others,, do what they want to do anyway... but whatever,, just remember who you are in all your actions,, and remember where your came from .. your roots go back to the same as all of us.. Adam,, yes!

A balding man can look at his situation two ways.. 1. Lord, I'm losing my hair! 2. Lord, I'm acquiring more head!

Today, just a small little message of thought... we all need to smile more! There is enough sadness around us,, but you know how to rid the feeling,, is smile,, I am sure that God gave us those muscles to smile, so we could easily do just that... more muscles to frown.. so why not go the easy way,, and smile a lot.. or go around and look like a dried up ole prune.. you make that choice.. wow! Lots of choices to make in this world.. and only one that really counts... but go ahead smile & become a real filled out plum,,, or frown,, and become that ole dried up prune, with lips turned down!

May God smile at you, and may you return the favor! Amen

John HIcks

Smiling as I write,,,, may all have a great and smiling God's day!

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