Thursday, June 30, 2011


Thursday- Come join one of Gods' great days, that He has so graciously given each of us... whether we are well, or not,, it is ours,, yours, for He gives to all,,, and He gives Himself at any request,, we may not be able to recognize Him in His wisdom of presentation,, but if we look, and I mean really look ,, we can see Him , even through the darkness of times, believe me , He is there!

Prayer Requests: Tommy Mullings , who will be having heart surgery on Friday morning.. please pray for him and his family.
Shelia Ivins,, for her Paul,, whom she adores so much,,, Paul has re-broken his hip, been flat of his back for 5 weeks,, and also has stage four Lymphoma , pray for the mending of this hip so he can get up .. have treatment, and get well..
Andria Kay,,a friend of Deb Treaggill, , Andria's' 2 year old daugther has stage four cancer, please pray for her daughter and the family.
Elmer Kent, who is facing some health problems,, pray for him.
Joesph Hammonds,, Steves' dad,,, who was injured in a tractor accident, and also lost his home to fire,, pray for Joseph, and all family around him....


You say what? Yes, my friends , they have always been on the prowl... looking for souls to steal,, just like yours, and mine,, and I feel like they are getting too many... why is this,, for we are standing by with our eyes closed, and our mouths closed,, sitting on our calloused butts,, making excuses for them,, from the lowest of characters, to the highest of characters,, from the common man, to the highest of offices, elected and otherwise,,, I feel like satan is on holiday in our land,, and we must not let him keep celebrating,,, It is time we stopped this,, and the only way to do it, is get off of our "politically correct butts" and do it.. tell this nation, and tell the world,,, that YES , we are a Christian Nation, and YES, WE ARE PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN, AND THAT GOD IS FIRST IN OUR LIVES,, AND WE PROFESS IT WITH AUTHORITY OF HIM!
Now IF WE ALL,, WILL DO THIS, and I mean stand tall,, and not back-down from these so called fads of young and old,, of being liked and popular.. it can be done,, we can trap these demons,,, we can stop them , and send them right back to hell where they belong,, Call out to Jesus ,, for HE IS OUR TRAP,, BELIEF IN HIM,, AND THEY WILL BE TRAPPED AND SENT BACK.... but be aware,, some of them,,, may be your friends,, so be prepared.. when you jump on this ship ...


Lord, I pray that you will hear our cry out of the wilderness of this sinful nation, and give us the strength we pray for and send the demons of satan right back into the hole of hell where they belong.. amen

John HIcks
ON a roll of standing ,,standing for my God,, standing against sin, and the ones who cause it ,, no matter who they are! Come join me in this crusade against satan ,,, IF YOU DARE HAVE THE NERVE TO DO SO,, do you ? Well stand up and shout it out, if that NERVE IS WORKING!

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