Monday, June 20, 2011


Monday! Good ole Monday,always turning up to escape all that good we have been enjoying on the week-end,, and if you spent it by taking Jesus with you ,then I am sure you had a great w/e, and now if you continue to take Him with you through the week, and life,, you will continue to have a great time of this life!

Prayer Requests: Update on Millie,, she is in pain, please give her more of your prayers until healing, and then..
Christy, Paul her husband says on FB, she is doing good on her adjustment, but he has gotten a staph infection from the hospital.. continue to pray for them both. They both are hard, hard workers for God.
Me,, to the doctor to see what they can do for the "rocky" eye, which is still swelled almost shut,, forehead is looking like it just might be healing,, but faith that all will be well soon.. just a few prayers to let Him know that we love Him and and know who to turn to...


Wow, we are having some 100, 102's on that ole thermometer here in middle Georgia.. how's your heat where you are? My wife said,, it is a wonder of the heat that comes from the asphalt in front of Wal Mart.. and you could feel it coming up around you last week as we walked in.. and as I hesitated,,, I could feel the heat coming up through my shoes... and as I looked around , I could see people, not hesitating but in a "quick walk", going in and out. They were making arrangements to get off that hot spot.. and you know the weather men, the news reporters,, papers,, inserts on T.V... watch the heat,, prepare for it, drink plenty of liquids, wear light clothing,, wear a good hat,, stay in the shade, and under a fan or A/C.. but prepare yourself for the heat until the cool comes back! Yes,, good advice,, and the biggest , most pronounced word I like is
PREPARE YOURSELF! We listen to all these warning, and we react to them.. we don't just stand on the asphalt for hours, we don't stand in the hot sun for hours(but find shade for small relief), and we don't go without water,, nor hats,, a/c,, stand on the outside of the shade from the big or little tree.. nor even the shadow of a big building.. yes we walk, we breath, we exist , preparing for.. all kinds of things, yes preparation is the "humans " instinct,,but what he prepares for is the most important of his existence on this earth, and the preparation of his next minute in life is in the utmost of his consciences,, so I ask this question,, if you quick walk and run from the heat of this world,, and try to get away from it, until the cools comes.. why not stop, right before you make that preparation,, and prepare for the time you lay your head down for the last time here,,and go to the heavens? Prepare now, today this minute,,,for that split in the road to Heaven,, prepare to take the right turn,, the one that says cool walking and for an eternity... not the one that says,, ha! ha! remember the asphalt,, cool wasn't it?

Let's all beat the heat of judgement, and ask Jesus to be our fan at judgment.. if you do this,, you will feel no heat, but lots, and lots of cool love.. how about it,,want to join this crusade of His ,, that is of Jesus? You have this choice,, don't let it pass, and hear that statement again,, "wasn't the asphalt cool"?


God , Let all come to Your Son, before it is too late .. amen

John HIcks
Jesus shoes on my feet, what do you have on yours?

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