Monday, December 23, 2013

MONDAY! Are you ready???? One more to go,,,then ole Ho Ho NIGHT!!! Better get ready for that little ole man with a sack on his back,,,,have you been naughty or nice??? Nice I would bet on all... Prayer Request: For Continued healing of our Friend in Christ,, Megan Bagwell Gaff..may you heal and get back to doing what you do best,,, smiling to all you meet! God bless you and your family! HE GAVE US HIS ALL God decided to make a universe,,,heaven,,,a world. When He finished,,,He made man,,,gave him the Garden of Eden,,, then made woman for his companion,,,gave him the dominion over all the animals...Then man and woman,,,,messed up utopia and sinned...listen to the devil,,,the snake. Yes ,,,lost all that God made and gave to mankind. He, thankfully, had given us the brains, to go out and toil the land,,,the brains to make shelter,,, clothes,,, have children,,,and then give thanks to Him with burnt sacrifices. Mankind wandered away from that also,,,Noah appeared on the scene,,,yes we almost lost it all,,,but He spared man,,,found favor in Noah,,and let Noah survive and walk in His presence, and His spared again...Then came this miracle that we are about to celebrate,,,the birth of Gods' own beloved Son...born of a virgin,,,a miracle in its' own!!! Born to die for our sins,,,our way out again,,,,saved by the grace of the Father and the Cross of the Son....Well,,, are we wandering away again,,,,are we crawling with the "snake"? Are we losing the gift He has given us on this Christmas,,,,do we see the gift of the birth? Or do we see the word written with Christ left out and an "x" put in front,,, leaving Christ out ,,,yes,,I am afraid more and more are following the snake,,,and letting the " x" enter into their season,,,the lost of the reason!!!...I refuse to ever put that in front of "mas" about you? I pray that we all stay awake on our watch,,,never going to sleep on God,,,nor Jesus,,,spread the word and let everyone know,,,without hesitation,,, GOD HAS GIVEN HIS ALLTO US, AND WE WILL GIVE OUR ALL BACK TO HIM! Lord,,,,thank you for all of your patience,,,I pray for your continued patience,,,amen John HIcks Thankful,,,let's pull this world ,,,nation back to where it should be ,,,with each other,,,we can do it,,,how?,,,by prayer and example!!!!

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