Thursday, January 31, 2013


THURSDAY! Good morning to all, and here in Georgia, we are glad that the storms have gone, and that it was not worse than it was,,, Here in Yatesville, we got the warning sirens, three times, and no matter who you are, it will make you stand tall, and nervous... for you then place your self in Gods' hands, for He controls all.... I hope as you wake up this morning, you will ask Him to not only be with you as you awake ,but the invitation is for Him to accompany you through-out your day, your week, and your life,,,, May God Bless You in all the ways, you deserve and beyond that! Prayer Request: For all those that were in the line of fire of all those tornadoes and destruction yesterday, and for the family of the one lost in Adarisville, Georgia. May God help those to rebuild, and may they continue to have faith, He IS there, no matter the situation... and console the family of the one lost... For that little boy , held hostage in that bunker by a killer, in Midland , Al. , pray that God will hold this small boy in His hands ,,and deliver Him safe and sound! BELIEVING! Jim Reid , in Garden dale Alabama had this comment on Facebook,,Gen. 1;1 God created the heavens and the Earth!! If we all will keep in Mind God did this in ONE VERSE! Then everything we ask God for IS A PIECE OF CAKE!! You have always recognized prayer as the most powerful force Christians have. NOW LETS SEE IF WE CAN GET EVERYONE TO SEE IT THIS WAY! Now, Jim, I felt it deep down in my heart, and one of the best testimony's I have heard in a long time, so simply said, and so true,,, and it is a question and an answer in the same quote,,, JUST WHERE IS OUR FAITH?! You believe in the Bible, then after this one verse,, you know God is in charge, He made it ,it did not evolve, and with this belief, that all else ,, as He said, is a piece of cake! Well, want a slice of this? I do, and I have it,, make a choice.. and Jim, thanks for that piece , it was small, yet so very, very big!....... I ASK ALL, DO YOU BELIEVE,,, IN HIM?

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