Tuesday, January 22, 2013


TUESDAY-TGED- As you and I wake up, and we open our sleepy eyes, and grab the hand that will lead us through the day, let us all stop, say a prayer for our world, our country, our friends, our love ones, that everyone will start their day off with a grabbing of this leading hand of God Almighty... and say right off in this prayer,,, for all to have a great day, and a big, "Thank You god for It!!! Now , off to and through this day, by His grace ,and love! Oh, it is o.k. to be seen holding His hand!!! Prayer Request: For our country, and for the leaders of the same.. and for all of our schools, for we need all the prayer we can get. so will all of you pray, and from your heart, with faith! SEPARATION! No prayers in school, no Bibles in classrooms. no Ten Commandments in school, nor on government land... BUT , during the inauguration, we had all... prayer, songs, more prayer,, and all of those officials, kept a straight face... this was how it should be folks, but it was for only the day, the event..This is of what should be more in our schools, but should come forth from the home, with sincerity, of that home, and let the government, concentrate on legislation, and leading the nation under God, and take the "guns " away from the crooks, if you can,,, and let our teachers, teach,,,have the discipline,, and parents, when summonsed to school from a teacher, or principle, go with the attitude, your son, or daughter just might be wrong.. and that teacher needs you.. to help discipline your child... this just could head off some of this crazy stuff,,, just maybe,,, for our schools need good teachers for our children, not legislation that ties their hands, from the not old fashion "Three R's", for we all made it , just fine, with all this in place.. Let our teachers back in school to teach, AND discipline. Put God back in this Nation, at home, the start of play of all sports, and back in school... lets do have SEPARATION, and let our schools teach, play, and move on with God at the helm of here also! Lord, I pray for all the Young, the foundation of this Nation, this World, the Future, be taught about You, and Your plan of salvation, and Your Word.. amen John HIcks Never know what will be said, and sometimes have to re-read to understand also..but I do believe in our teachers, and the job they do is like the Military, only a select few are up for it! Pray for both...

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