Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Wednesday- Middle of the week,, downhill to the week-end...just panting for the week-end and those two glorious days off! Now ,, stop, and pray for all those who have been without work,, some since 09.. they just keep looking,and I know some who are doing anything to just make a buck,,, so come on let's do a real , real prayer day for all of them,, for remember , this is the middle of the week, and for the "Baptist,, it is prayer meeting day"! So, let's all be good "whatevers" and today,, have a personal prayer meeting for the unemployed!


I was watching Extreme Makeover , Sunday night, and the couple that were the guests,, had made a device that purifies water.. ready to drink! Yes,, I saw where they put the incoming hose in a pond of ever kind of waste you could imagine, in Haiti,, turn it on, and drank out of the outgoing hose,,water more pure than when you turn on your tap! These people had a water pipe break in their house while in Haiti delivering these devices.. and when they got back,, they had to dry out the best they could,, and live as best they could.. for they continued to fly a small plane they had,, old but "fly-able", with a few supplies , and these water devices.. what a sacrifice.. do with out, to give to others ,, the drink of life,, for you know water is essential. They showed kids,, and grown ups, drinking right out of the pipes on these purification devices,, with the biggest smile of "YES WATER,, THANK GOD".. just the look on these kids faces to have water,, that was not going to give them cholera, yes , love of man,, right there on the screen.. giving more than they actual had, but doing it with no remorse, no expected give back, except that look on that kids face, or that parent of that kid...
So,, go over to your sink,, look at the spicket,,, reach over to the handle with one hand, and grab a cup with the other hand, turn it on.. watch the water pour... fill the cup, let it run over.. and then turn it off,, bow your head,, pray thanks to your God, for that water you have so plentiful , while you have it.. and pray for those two people that still continue to fly those purifiers to Haiti,, and pray for those children, and grown ups, who are still dying in Haiti for clean water,,, yes still dying,, and ask God to help and you also help by supporting these FOOD EFFORTS,, these not looking for a return , except some big ole smiles...


God, please help those in all places who need good, clean water, and may you continue to bless those two, who fly in with the hope of life for those in Haiti.. amen

John HIcks
Moved in heart to just how great we have it here in this nation. and how blessed we are that our God has given this to us.. and for us to realized we need to give thanks, and be humble , for we know not just how long , our God will continue to give.. and not receive... right? Pray for this world!

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