Sunday, February 27, 2011


Sunday- Welcome to the Sabbath day of our Lord God! Please , kick back, enjoy it and rest , for He did,, work only if it is a have to,, to get the ox out of the ditch!


In this day , satan is working at one of his hardest tasks , since trying to tempt. the Lord. he is always on a 24/7, with all his angels working around the world,, but now he is grouping them.. with an all , all out try at tearing Christ from the cross, and tearing it to the ground, and burning it with the souls of men and women.. yes the souls of men and women.. for believe it or not,, they are also rushing to him... why to be able to do as they think others want them to be.. In one church,, they are taking out Christ, because they don't want to offend others who attend... they have a mixed congregation now.. Muslims, Buddhas, and others who do not believe in The Christ, nor the Cross. much less not even believing in God.. why are they there? I don't know, but I do know that the Church, does not alter to the congregation.. but the congregation to the church,, for the Church is of God,,or is if you invite Him in.. and those who come to worship Him,, should be showed by these "so called Christians".. and I use that word for each and every one who sets on one of those pews in that church, and I also call them angels of satan, for if real Christians, they would get on their knees right there, and then get up and turn to God with a loud voice, and empty those who dare try to take Him out!
We as Christians need also to stand up tall, and place out faith of God, in front of us,, and not let a lone atheist, or two dictate our worship , and try to tear down our Cross, yes folks ,, it is OUR CROSS,, given to us by the Lord Jesus Christ,, with His life, and blood.. so


Matt: 27:39-40 "And they that passed by reviled him, wagging their heads, and saying, Thou that destroyest the temple,and buildest it in three days, save theyself. If thou be the Son of God, come down from the cross." That is what the world is trying to accomplish today, not only do they want Christ off the cross...they want no reminder of Him anywhere. Praise God that he didn't come down, but died and rose for us,, alive,,,not dead.. praise God Almighty.

John HIcks
Stand Guard,, be a defender of God, and strut the Cross proudly!

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