Monday, September 13, 2010


Monday--Today my heart is the color of HAPPINESS! Now what color is that ? It is the same color as those lips on your face, the ones that are turned up,, and not down! Look , and you can see the color , not only on the lips , but the eyes,, they are the color "glowing",, shining like the sun, the color of love, caring,, can't you see it, it is the "Aurora" of God , wrapped around you! Now,that is the color of "HAPPINESS"!


Imagine , existence without a Heaven! Yes there was a time.. so where does God, live? In the universe of time, to big for us to comprehend. Jesus went and prepared us a place, and in John, He makes the statement,, Life with You,,( talking to His Father , God,,) before this world.. It is really hard to just set back and think of all this,, for it will blow your mind.. so God built a "world " , gave it to us with all its glory and goodness,, then we sinned,, and God gave us us a plan out of this,, His Son,, and then built us a Heaven,,something we can comprehend and something we can look forward to and believe in. Well , maybe all can say "heaven", but not all can believe in it, for they stray to far from Him, the one who came,, to give us the path, the way to this great place.. a place built where there will be no "want".. can you just close your eyes , take a deep breath, and believe... believe.. and live , really live.. Reach out to those who do not believe, those who have sinned,, and have not accepted our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.. It is our destiny to do this,, in what ever way we can.. if it is only a word uttered to someone,, just a word of encouragement, a word of invitation,, come on ,, all, lets pass the word,, God has built us a Heaven,, our own, to walk and talk and live in forever with Him,, why would anyone trade a short time here trapped in sin ,, for an eternity in hell? It just does not make sense. Well , do you want to travel on the right path,, then grab hold of that hand, the one with the scar of a nail hole in it, the "Man" with a face of life , grab ... and let's travel through this life to the place called Heaven, the place


God, thank You for Heaven,, Your forgiveness, Your Son, Your way,, through Him to You, amen

John HIcks
Yes, I do see it,, and you can too,, for it is right in front of you, if you reach out, grab His hand, and the window of Life will open for you also, and then you too can see.. the path He made, and the place He is taking us... are you reaching or just living, just walking or walking with Him? CHOICE!!!!

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