Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Wednesday! Hello September! You have arrived on the "Hump Day" of the middle of our week here in the States.. We all welcome you , September , to our life, for we know you will only be here for 30 days.. such a short time, but knowing you will be replaced by another, we all thank God for sending another one of His days, His months, and the promise of another, and we will enjoy each, if only we accept and believe in Him!


There are some who are able to get up and scrabble around this great world of God's , but choose to set by a window, look out, and do nothing but dream. This is o.k., if that is all you want ... but if you will look on the Internet,, you will see the vast, and great world God has made,, and He made it for all of us to look at, walk on, taste of it.. not to just wish for... Maybe you can't go to some of these fantastic places.. but you can walk out on the ground in front of you..for this was made at the same time the others were made. Someone on the great mountains, down in these vast swamps, and valleys, may be looking at you , wishing just as you, I sure wish I lived there, it is so beautiful and great.. so enjoy what , where , and the environment you have ,,, right now.. for God made it , and God gave it..
If you want to see the rest of the world , up close, and don't have the finances, nor the time or way to travel to there,, then take out the future travel plan, that of accepting Jesus as your personal Savior.. and then as you travel on the road to Heaven, you can get ready to see all that you can imagine of this world and more... for when you get to Heaven,, you can look down, up, all around and see all your hearts' desire! Yes,, you can come from this life,, to that life , of everlasting and the want of nothing! Now, get off your backsides,, take a step,, enjoy what you have, and what
God has given you,, and don't look backward,, but look forward,, and do what God wants you to do until He calls you home,, and that is two things, accept His Son as your personal Savior, and after that , then to


Lord, give me the eyes, and the heart to enjoy every inch of Your world, and I pray that all who reads this can do the same, and to live,, really live.. amen

John HIcks
I live for the next item God will give to me,, and let me tell you, my life is full,, for what He gave me was Jesus Christ, and this filled my every thing,, how about you? Are you full? Have you called out for the buffet of life here and there,, Life Itself,, Jesus Christ? If not , please do so now! Please!

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