Friday, September 3, 2010


HAPPY FRIDAYS' DAY! Kinda catching , isn't it? Now is the time to plan for the celebration of Labor Day Week-end... It is time for everyone to stop, celebrate all their labor for the year,, do a picnic, trip to home, trip to the beach, to the mountains,, but go ahead and enjoy all His labors of making it all for you and I. Thank You God, for making this world , then giving us this special week-end to celebrate Your labor!

Prayer request : For all the people in Earls path as he travels up the East coast. May he have a light ride, and may all come through his visit in really good shape and no harm..


Two guys have decided , enough is enough! They have set up a ,,, " Cross Ministry". From what I understand,, one person challenged the putting of a cross on a highway to show ones family or friend that has had a wreck and was killed at the place.. they do not want it,, as it is their right not to have to see these Cross' on public land.. as the court in that city so said.. the city decided to put cross' in all their yards so this person would have to see them. Now, these guys say, if we can fly our flag, then we can put up a cross on our own land,, and be for God, and beat these so called "people". I agree with my heart, all the way... why not be a real Christan?, A working Christian! Come on,, let's all join this Ministry on Face book,, do what they say by planting a cross, or cutting out a "print out" of the Face book picture, and putting it in the collection plate of your church.. It is time we all went forward with God, and Jesus, and quit setting on our back-sides... Let's all get "God Busy" and put the sign of Jesus on every drive way in America.. I ask all of you to go to Face book, bring up The Cross Ministry, get your dimensions of measurement, make and paint your cross, plant it, and plant the idea in others heads ,,but please go through face book to see and to spread the word,, Let's all get on board and support these two brothers to our utmost ability,,,, make the crop of crosses and

THE CROSS MINISTRY ....a success!

Almighty God, please bless the two brothers as they undertake this ministry for You, and God, please let this be one of the biggest ministries for you in this nation, and that we see crosses everywhere we look,, amen,,

John HIcks
My wood shop is open for use to make these crosses, and I will be making them this week -end for free pick up, and they will be made exactly as the Cross Ministry makes theirs and passed out in their name.. so let's go!!!! Get a Cross and a Hammer,, and The Will To Do IT!!!!

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