Sunday, June 27, 2010


SUNDAY,, The secret of health for both the mind, the body, the soul, is not to mourn for the past,, not to worry about the future,,, not to anticipate the future,,, but to live the present moment,, wisely, earnestly, and with God present at all time...


Most of the people start getting ready for the night, as the sun sets in the west... some are planning a night at home with the family,, a little," one on one" with the kids,, some good T.V... or read a book,, or play some games .. but a plan to have a early night of family time... others,, start off with plans for a night out,, eating, strolling along a park lane by the lake,,,a night ride,, or out to the clubs! Night time is the time of caution as we go ,, where ever,,, even at home ,, we are a little cautious at what we do,, how we act to the sounds we hear, better at night, than day.. I remember my Grandmother telling me,, if night was to go out, God would have given us headlights,, and I pondered these things in my mind as I grew,, and low and behold,, cars did get better headlights,, streets became lite up,, more light and more light, until in towns , the streets were close to daylight,, but still there was the worry... of something else,, there in the dark,, outside the realm of the light.. just what it is,, no one knows, for we all have it ,, no matter how brave you are,, it is the anticipation of stepping into the unknown,,, a moment of hesitation. And as the sun starts to rise the next morning,, you see the break of it across the horizon,, a peace of sorts, starts to come back into your system,, the sort of relaxation,, seeing beyond the realm.. and then you can see where you are going.. where you are.
Knowing Jesus Christ, is like the change from dark to light,, for He is the light of the world. He was sent to us from His Father, our Living God, to guide us,, He is the light,, If you are wandering in the darkness of life,, stop,,, reach for that light switch,, that of Jesus Christ,, When you accept Him,, the switch is automatically turned on,, you can see the light,, your eyes are finally opened to reality for the first time of your life,, no more fear of that darkness , for that light is forever,, you have a guide that will lead you out of the darkness and into the light of our God... Just like the



God, thank You for Jesus and the eternal light and guide of life,, that You have given each of us as we accept Him.. amen

John HIcks
I have in my past , walked in the dark,, and I remember, I did not like it, and I will never walk that road again,, for I have my light and guide to show me the way,, He is Jesus Christ,, who is guiding you ,, whose light are you following?

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