Monday, June 7, 2010


Monday-- Here in style,,,, with all of us rested and relaxed from a great week-end,, it is time to go back to the wild ride of our lives,, Monday through Friday,,, well if it has to be wild for those five days,, lets take on a passenger to be our designated driver.. if you don't know who I am talking about, then you really need that driver,,,Jesus Christ , don't worry , he has a license to go where ever!


How many of you have ever tried to look through a dirty window in the house, in the car, in your truck, or even in your tree-house? Nothing is recognizable as you want it to be,, it is like a person who has 20/70 sight and take their glasses off.. I know that scenario,, for that sounds like my glasses.. So what do you do.. continue to look through the dirty glass, or do you stop and clean it, so you can see what you are looking at,, and see where you are going? Yes , most smart people would stop and clean,, some, who think they are smart and want to save time, would not stop,, they would roll on, through life stumbling, falling,,, and wandering,, even into a eternal stumbling burning hole...
Stop,, clean the window of your heart,, let the Heavenly sunshine in! Let God show you Jesus, and show you the only chance you have to get to Heaven,, the way,, the light! Once you have open the shutters of your heart,, bare your soul,,let the gospel light of Christ in,, you will never have to look out a dirty window, crawl down a dirty dark alley,, never scuff a knee. aAgain once you do, you will never want to let go.. so come on,, open the shutters,, lock them back,, fling open the window,, take a deep breath,, feel the fresh air, feel the warmth,, feel


God, Thank you for the opportunity to come out of the dark and into the light,, the light of Your Son,, Jesus,, amen

John HIcks
I tried plenty of Windex, but I have never found a cleaner that works like the Blood Of Jesus Christ.. Have you?

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