Friday, June 18, 2010



TGIF- Hey , it's Friday!!! Workers,,, retired,, rich,, no matter, for some reason, we all look forward to the week-end.
Have a great day,, do good,, forget the bad,, if you have "Him", He has forgotten, if you have asked!


Call 911,, grab a fire extinguisher,,, go to safety,, don't "de-dadle" around and get burned up.. What? You don't have a fire extinguisher? Then get one and put it in your kitchen,, where most fires start.. don't be a "dummy" and reach for one ,, when there is not one, and the fire is there.... right?
Well how about that fire in your heart, the one that you are facing each day you are without Christ? Have you accepted him as your "fire extinguisher" against satan,, if not,, you are definitely going to get burned.. and bad, and forever burning... so why would you let that happen when you have an extinguisher that can extinguish the fire before it even gets close to you... so why would you let this free fire extinguisher go unclaimed? There is no good answer that you can give, except the one above,, "dummy",,, and I am not one.. how about you,,, Join the "fire brigade" against sin, if you have not already joined,,,accept your Fire Extinguisher,, Jesus Christ,, and pass out the word of God, and His plan,, make a difference,, and help supply everyone with that



Almighty ,, give us the mind to grab hold of You and Your Son, and to pass out the word , the warning of the consequences of being without Your Son , and also pass the word of glory of having Him within ones self. amen

John HIcks
I have my extinguisher,, and I carry my Jesus Christ with the pride over all else,, Have you got him yet,, have you passed on the word,, if not then do it,, and if you have,, keep on keeping on!!!!!

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