Saturday, June 19, 2010



Welcome to Saturday,, first day of that week-end! How about your plans,, good job on planning a good W/E? Did you think to include "everyone"?


How many of you had your "Sneaky Pete's", as we use to call the ones who would go behind someones back to do something, just to keep anyone from knowing that they did it.. for it was usually something a person would not want anyone to know that they did it.. wow!!! A long explanation, but they did it quick and sometimes the hurt would be long lasting... When confronted,, complete denial... You could not squeeze the truth out of them for any amount,, for they wanted to hide,, for they lack "bravery".. they just did it in the background and around the corner, within the darkness of non-truth.. Yes,, I had more than my share of these... how about you?
Now , I ask one question,, has there ever been a little "Sneaky Pete" in us? I must admit , that as much as I advertise, and some would testify,, I am a very "upfront" guy,, sometimes more than needed , and I have had to put on the brakes, and put it in reverse to keep my face the color other than red.. ha! But I had, and I am sure others have had this same "sneaky" time of our lives of our God, and our Jesus,, maybe not just saying , we believe in God, and Jesus, but the fact that we did actually talk to them,, and we did actually say , we love You God, we love You Jesus,, we just did not want our 12 and 16 year old buddies to know it.. or later our "Beer Buddies", for it would make us look weak. Little did we know , we were being sneaky , slipping around to pray,,, real low, so no one would hear us.. Yes we were known as hidden Christians, ashamed to a point,, weak, ,,even when we was trying to be a good one.. So I ask,, did you ever get to where you can talk about God , talk about your accepting Jesus,, being the strong one,, being an out-loud Christian, talking as you want Him to talk and do things for you? I did, and wow,, does it feel good... Yes I still go into my "closet" to pray ,, one on one level with my God, as all should do,, once in a while, but we must be able to pray out loud other times, with no shame and no hidden seaky ways.. come and join me and be a




God , thank You for giving me the ability to speak out loud about you with no shame at all.. I ask that You give all that ability and we all just have a revival of Christian talking.. amen

John HIcks
Too out-spoken about my God? Never,,!!! How high do you stand, in the open?

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