Saturday, June 26, 2010



Saturday- don't waste this day,, use it with care,, it was made special,, for you, for me,, to be celebrated and enjoyed at its' fullest!,, Not lost.... in "way-ward" ways!


We all have relationships,, with out wife,, with our children, with our friends,, all kinds of relationships , from deep,, medium, and light.. normal,, un-normal.. all kinds. There are even a lot of relationships we want to keep secret,, others we want to shout them out loud ,,, like on a loud speaker for all to see,, and hear about... No mater who you are,, you do have relationships,, the kind is under your control on your side, and you alone..
So, the question of the day is , and only you can answer, yes, you guessed it,, what is your relationship with God,, Jesus Christ? Do you have a relationship? Yes you do! Now ,whether this relationship is good,, or bad,, it is a relationship,, and I am here to tell you,, it is one of the most important ones of your life,,,the most!!!!
I would like to ask each of you to just stop,, examine yourself as to the relationship you have with God,, your belief, your faith, your testimonials of Him,, your LOVE for Him... Is it more important to you than any thing else in this world,, in your life,, just ask,, and then answer yourself and see ,,, if you are satisfied with your


God, thank You for being in my life,, I pray that all who reads this will ask You to be in theirs also,, and that we all might go out and work for You in our daily relationships,, and testify of You to all.. amen

John HIcks
I am in a relationship,, and I want all to know it, and I pray that all will gossip about it to all you come in contact with,, that is the relationship with my God, and my Jesus Christ,, are you in one also?

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