Thursday, May 15, 2014


HURSDAY! Good morning,, I hope all woke with Him with and beside you on this another of one of His days, on loan to us, for just short time,,, so use it well! Prayer Requests: Continued prayers for the recovery of Sidney Hicks Sharp.. that God will keep smiling on this little 12 year old gladiator of His,,as she heals under His hands. For Kylie Seitz(I think I have the correct name) Surgery is scheduled for today instead of Friday. She is on the schedule for 1:40pm. She will have all hardware in the right leg removed. They will place an antibiotic infused spacer in the place where the rod was. This will stay for two months or so . They will do a biopsy to make sure there is no infection after two months then another surgery to place a new rod after that. It's all very complicated. Please cover her with prayers and please pray for her new surgeon Dr. Nick Reimer. This is another of god's little girls, so pray with all your heart for her!!!! THE OX AND THE NAT! My youngest daughter and her husband calls me the "ox", because of my God given strength of certain things,, like lifting, working long hours, (large, ha) and etc.. even at this age,,,, so here goes the story,, as we all know that God love all the little children, and above we are praying for two above.. Well, yesterday after six , we were over at my daughters home, watching little three year old Noah( the nat, in the title) riding his new bike, a birthday present for he will be four onSaturday,, so he got it early.. and up comes a storm.. thunder way off,, and inside we go.. lots of rain, as he is watching a movie, and out goes the power.... so Dana, grabs her phone, battery low, and outside she goes,, to charge it in the car,, so little Noah says to me, Paw Paw, here is my umbrella.. well the rain has let up some, so big me grabs it and believe it or not, shows him how to spin it around and sing, "Singing In The Rain",,and he laughs, my daughter just shakes her head and laughs also,, and sure enough ,, he grabs it and does the same... so I get a lawn chair and set down, he gets a little lawn chair and sets down next to me, just inside the garage, as we had the door opened,,and I tell him of the rain, and the clouds, the thunder.. and he exclaims to me.. "Paw,,Paw, why does Noah not have any power"? I explained to him of all the scenarios of why,, and then ,, I raise my arm to the Heavens, and I say,, God , send some power to Noah,,, and then he smiles real big , a smile that will tear up your heart to see,,, raises his arm and says loudly,, "Yes, God, send Noah some power for his T.V.!"... and up and off inside he went, so I follow him, and after about five minutes, on comes the power, we all are cheering,, and Noah jumps up ,,, claps his hands, and cheers, and looks at his mother,,, and says "Mommy,, I ask God for power,, and look, He sent it to Noah!"..... now folks,, that giving credit to the one who is the reason for our all.. DO WE KNOW WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR US, IN THE END, WE ARE, JUST AS LITTLE NOAH KNEW WHO SENT THAT POWER,, SO SHOULDN'T WE!!!! RIGHT? Lord, thank You for the "Little Ones" who restores our faith, and gives us so much to be thankful for...amen John HIcks Just had to share that story of a grown up, with a tiny little boy sitting beside him , and talking of things, including God,,, folks we must start these talks at an early age, for you see, they are listening, so beware of what you are saying!! God bless all who reads this!

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