Saturday, May 3, 2014


WEDNESDAY! Good morning! This morning I awoke, stretched, got a cup of coffee,, thank my God for all I have, for I realized as I was wondering of our weather, of all those who are walking around with nothing left but splinters!!! We need to be praying for them, for I have seen on T.V. some real testomonies,,of God and survival! Why does God do these storms,,I do not ask, I only obey, for I know that HE KNOWS the why, and it is not for me to judge. So as I drink my coffee,, I pray for them and thank Him for our all,,, for someday, we will all understand, for now, I just accept Him, do you? Prayer Request: For Betty Mae, surgery has been set aside again, vitals too low... loads and loads of pain! I ask for Betty to be rid of all the pain,, and that God prevails of all her sufferings...God Bless you , my good friend! DO WHAT YOU MUST , AND LET THOSE WHO CRITICIZE, CRITICIZE! I have found out that no matter what you do, you will be criticized,, good and bad! I usually get more bad, because of my overly opinionated words.. written and spoken,, but I just trust in the Lord to lead me,, right on through it all! If we would put our God, our Jesus and our family first, take care of what needs to be take care of ,,, in HIS name,, then if we are criticized, then let it come!! I can handle it.. I am going to make a statement on "racism",, it still seems to be the trend... first,, let's make this word,, leave the dictionary,, and then it would be no more, it would be how, and should be of how we treat each other...and I thank that is the case, overall...We have more love of each other,,, than reported,,, but sure we have some idiots, who say the wrong things and put color in them, and the press eats it up,, and keeps it going, for that is their business,,,.. but let's get pass this,,, and remember what I replied to a young man who came to see me and to tell me of his new job,, and one of the things he told me was of all the different races he was working with... I quickly stopped him, and told him to think of it as not many races, but that of many souls,,for we all have one, and we are all made from God! (and I believe that with all my heart),,, Then he smiled, and said,,,"Yes they do,, and you know , I work with a lot of people, and they are all good!",,Now that is the way to live, for we are all "Americans", we all live under the great white , blue, and red,, and we are all free, GOD BLESS THE GOOD OLE USA!!, ( just taxed to death,,Ha!!! ) PRAY , THAT AMERICA WILL HEAL, AND BE OF ONE GOD, AND BRING HIM FORTH AND IN FRONT OF ALL WE DO!!!!! God , thank You for our all,,, and Lord, I ask that you put your arms around all those in the paths of those awful storms. and also put them around all those who are suffering from "storms of life" within themselves, heal all is my prayer ... amen John HIcks Lover of my God, my Jesus is my Savior, and if that intimidates you or anyone, TOUGH!!,,,,, FOR I STAND FOR GOD,STRAIGHT AND FORWARD, AND PUBLIC! How about you?

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