Monday, May 5, 2014


MONDAY! Well, we are off to a new start of a new week! Now, we all make great decisions this day, as we make this start,,, do we go with God at our side, or do we just start and walk out the door, with only ourselves? Yes, it is of great concern,, that all will make the right choice, for God gave us this thing called "Choice", and there are a lot making good ones. and some are making bad ones,, just remember all those choices are being recorded, not on your phones,, fb,,, or any computer,, but in the "Book of Life,, of Your Life",, and that one is located in His Mansion,, and there is but one eraser,, only one,, who can correct all those bad choices we have made, and that is JESUS CHRIST,,, SOOOO,, DID YOU MAKE THE CORRECT DECISION THIS DAY,,, OF HIM! As we rode through the FDR park yesterday, and as we looked across those vast forests of mountains , and all those cliffs so close to the little road.. across the valleys, seeing miles from us other mountains, clothed in large pines.. and maybe that little spot is a ranger station, but no roads, only the nature of God, even with some hikers possibly enjoying the climbs , up and down, and as we cleared the park, we noticed a small house built right on the edge of one of those cliffs, with the back being held only up by stilts..... then on down the road , a really large house, built on the side of a cliff also.. and as we looked back,, we could see the top deck , the second deck, and could not see the bottom deck,,, but this complete back of this house ,, held up by stilts also... wow, what faith these two have in common as they walk about, and lay their heads down to sleep,,of those stilts to hold them up and safe!..... and do we have enough faith that those two pieces of wood, made into a cross, and a man named Jesus was hung and killed on them, that He was raised, and is our comfort and faith to walk about and to lay our heads down each day?..... Wake up each day, and if not, we awake joined with Him in His Fathers Mansion, Heaven? Do we have that faith? Have we made that CHOICE OF FAITH?,,,,,, THAT OF JESUS CHRIST, IS AND ALWAYS WILL BE OUR SAVIOR! Lord, I pray for all to come to Jesus, this day, and live with Him at their side , and not delay, until it is too late. amen John HIcks Servant only!

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