Friday, December 9, 2011


FRIDAY-TGIF- When I awoke,, I sat up, and thought,, wow! The Lord has been good to me.. and the front runner of this decision, was I could smell the coffee,,,Libby was up,, coffee was ready, and I was on my way with finger already crooked for that cup handle,, now for a coffee drinker,, no other sight, nor smell is better to wake up to than that.. will you agree , if you are a wake up and reach for a cup person? Have to have fun for God wants us to be happy,,, and what better way to wake up ,, than with God by your side,,, some wake up and don't realize He is there,, but He is,, and if not invited,, He just hangs around waiting for an invitation to come on in.. now how about that for a morning awakening?

Prayer Request: I found out today that a couple had a tragedy in their life some days ago,,, it was one of the greatest a couple could have, they lost a son.. I would like to ask all to pray for this couple for relief ,, for it will take God to help them on through this.. so I ask ,,, many , many prayers for them..

When a believing person prays,, great things happen. James 5:16

Prayer is that whole process that reminds us of who God is and who we are. I believe there's great power in prayer. I believe God heals the wounded, and that He can raise the dead, for He did it with Lazarus. But I don't believe we tell God what to do and when to do it,, God knows that we, with our limited vision, don't even know that for which we should pray. When we entrust our request to Him, we trust Him to honor our prayers with Holy judgment.

When we pray,, pray from the heart.. pray for God to take your troubles in hand,, give Him the reins of guidance of your life, and never,,never cease talking to Him,, you know,, you can pray,,, and ask something of God or just give thanks,, and then there is also the time to just talk to God.. He listens to all,, and if you talk, set your mind to it,, it is just as if you can hear Him talking back,,, and if you don't hear,, look around at the wind, rain, sunshine,, and at least be able to see Him.. for He is all...

Lord, thank You for giving us this day, and Lord thank you for listening. and give us the patience to wait of Your answers to what we pray for, and be able to recognize the signs of them being done.. and Lord I ask that you take the blinders off the people who are running for office, and the ones who are voting also.. and may we all "Restore You" back to full power in these United States of America, and for us to help Israel in the fight for Her continued freedom. amen

John HIcks

Continuing the stand of "FOR GOD " and I only ask the answers from all ,, is to answer yourself,, am I standing,, ? or am I setting? Make a stand,,, with me.. please , it is a choice,, and it is yours and yours alone.. will you? Today!

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