Sunday, November 13, 2011


SUNDAY! Welcome to the day,, that God, had just finished making this world,, and than kicked back and rested. I wonder,, how does God look upon us today,, as He rests,, we go about our business as usual.. tearing down more and more of the world. You cannot destroy matter , but displace it.. then I guess instead of tearing down the word of God,, more and more are "just displacing it" for a less of a conscience of guilt!


You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free. John 8:32(NKJV)

We all have, and will tell, what we call "little white lies", and some of us will tell a big and outright "lie", an untruth! I have done this in my life, and I pray I don't utter these type lies ever again...we all have. Why? Most times it is to get out of a jam, a threat of body harm, to hurt someone,, or just to get ahead with a job, or for the impression to another... I hate to say that peer pressure,,, is the one lie, we use most of all,, to just keep jobs...yes ,,think about things you stand and say , just to keep that job,, and to please another indiviual or

How can we beat this pressure, and how do we keep lies out of our vocabulary? By accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior,really believing, and having the faith,,,will change the words before they exit the mouth..

Lord , I pray that the words from my/our mouth , shall be only the truths,, just as you have commanded us to do. amen

John HIcks,,, lies,, this is one of the , and if you will admit,, one of the hardest to control of all sins..

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