Wednesday, November 9, 2011


WEDNESDAY! Are you ready ? For the W/E? Planning starts now,, I mean serious planning,, for you are now on the tilt of downhill slide,, and you want to slide into a good plan... so plan the next days to the w/e with Jesus, and the ones of the w/e , starting now,, and then you can insure that the w/e will be a good w/e! Right?

Prayer Requests: For all to start their prayer for my brother Sam, who is going back in the hospital on Thursday for a heart repair.. pray for this surgeons hands to guide and reconnect that lead on his heart.
For David Chipman, who lost his mother Penny, of 73 yrs old. Also pray for David who is suffering from cancer .. pray for God to put his hand on thiS man.
As many of you know, Dana Tarter is the deaf young woman, mother and wife who attends church at PVN and is a special ed teacher at Model High School. Dana always has a smile for everyone she meets. You may not realize she is deaf because she reads lips so well and speaks so clearly. Her eyes allow her to continue to communicate. She has been told in the past month that she will go blind in the near future. The same thing that attacked her hearing 20 years ago when she was 18 is now attacking her sight. We are praying for God’s divine intervention and asking Him for a miracle on behalf of Dana. Please join with us as we pray for Dana. She has another doctor’s appointment at Emory today. The God we serve is still in the healing business and He can heal Dana. Please petition Him with us for her healing! Ask all those you know who are prayer warriors to please pray as well.
Frank and Laurie,, Laurie is going into treatment, 5 days a week for the next 7 wks. Frank is not doing real good,, he is weak, but getting around some.. continue to pray.
Little Joseph is doing better for now,, playing and some improved strength.. pray for him until the next step is taken on his treatment... maybe in Texas for another type with another hospital..


How many of these things have you filled out in this life already? Wow! I can guess,, on me ,, a million? Maybe not quite that many, but sure feels like it... even going to new doctor,, fill out this applications,, yes , two or more,, for they call them information sheets.. but it is an application to see just how you are going to fare in that office... and all those others are really finding out,, just how do they feel about you,, and if you will work there,, get healthy there,,, are allowed to go "there",,, join a club,, get a credit card,,, do away with a credit card,, yes , some have applications to do away with things,, ha,, more applications than mail some days...the only thing that overpowers those are bills,, and they are the result of prior applications... Now do you get it,, about applications ! Want to find something , that does not require an application of any kind,, it is free, it does not need anything in writing,, only a voice message,, how simple can that be? Just stop ,,, think about it.. you already know what it is,, and for those who don't ,, just a reminder,,, bow your head ,, or look up,, with eyes closed,, or with eyes open,, you see ,,HE,, does not stay on a soap box crying out,, He made us,, gave us the choice and sits patently , with pen in hand to hear us ask for His Son to save us,,, by us accepting Him as our Savior,, then your (our) name is written in the book of life.. it is done,, no other "things" to do, nothing else to present,, nothing to prove,, just the simple statement,, "I am here Lord,, take my soul,, and my heart, and I accept you as my personal savior,, please forgive me of my sins". Again, it is done,, and God does not care if you are standing,, bending, laying, kneeling, looking up, or down,, only what is in your heart... that you know and accept Jesus,, and the one thing , He does not need,,, is for you to fill out an


Lord , I pray that you hear each of us, and take us under your extended wings,, and give us the forgiveness of our sins,, as You have we forgive those who have sinned against us,, amen

John HIcks
I have asked ,, received Him,,, I profess my belief without fear,, and I stand on it with my life,, how do you feel and have you committed,, really committed? Think about it,, really!

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