Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Thoughts For This Day-Wednesday-11/30/11

WEDNESDAY! Middle week-day, "hump day"! Are you ready? For the slide to the week-end? Ready or not here you and I go! I grabbed my "have a great day" pass,,, did you? Where was it? Right there beside you,, don't you see Jesus! and it is a "forever pass",, and not a stamp,, but something that will stick with you ,,,, wherever you go... reach out,, grab, before you slide,, there is plenty of "have a great day" passes left.. and Jesus is having a ball passing them out.. flip Him a smile and a thank You, as you grab,, have a great slide! Oh, He goes on with you pass this day, and all the days of your life , once you choose Him! Have a great Wednesday, and life, slide!

The Lord will reward everyone for whatever good he does, whether he is slave or free. Ephs. 6:8 NIV


Are you today, a slave? If you look around on T.V. movies, other habitual services of this new age... you would have to say,, there are a big percentage of "slaves".. yes to the above,, and not mentioned , but to the two biggest,, which go together.. wealth(the love of it), and greed!" This is a sad awakening! How do you feel about yourself, and when you answer , include all you believe in, what you usually do daily, your treatment to all,, the love you give to the most.. the one you depend on the most.. what can you do with, and what can you do without.. what are your addictions......quiet a list,, huh? and it goes on, and on. so when you say the words, "what am I a slave too,, nothing at all, that I can think of", re-think, and if you are just clear of all the above,,, think hard,, for we all are ,, a slave of something,, and that is why we pray for forgiveness to Jesus , for our "sins",,, yes that is the "slave of us all".. sins.. and we all are sinners,, under the whip of satan, and are doomed,,, unless we come forward and except forgiveness from Jesus Christ ,, and if you call out to Him,, and ask for this forgiveness of all your sins,,, and your acceptance of Him,, then and only then will you be completely


God, thank You for the pass of freedom , from You to us,, Your Son,, Jesus Christ! amen

John HIcks
Slave? Daily, I ask for my freedom,, and forgiveness ,, for I am a sinner, and saved by the grace of Jesus Christ..and he repels satan and the chains of slavery,,, Now where do you stand? In chains , or do you walk with a full stride?... You know the rest,, whether you do or not,, is strictly up to you... so make the decision,, for walking with a full stride is better.. believe me,, I have walked with both. Will you join the "freedom walkers",,,,, today?

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