Sunday, January 2, 2011


Sunday- Happiness is not a station you arrive at,, but a manner of traveling.. so while en-route in your life,, turn those lips up, and not down,, you look better!

Prayer Request: The grand daughter of Jim and Louise, is doing better , and looks like she is going to make it. Thanks, from them to you, for the many prayers.
I would like to add,, God loves to hear from us daily and often, just a casual word or two,, He loves to converse with us all.. please try it, and often!


Farmer , me? Well most will say, "I have only grown some tomatoes",, maybe a plant from "Wally World", "well it was already planted ,, I just watered it"! But I still call you Farmers!
FARMER: one who plants agriculture, cultivates said crop,, also raises animals.
Gods' Farmer- one who plants His word into others,, then cultivates it, works the fields,, not for his own good, but, reaps in the crop for the Lord,, and raises his children to worship, and honor the living God.
You are the one who plants the seeds , and watches them grow,, and the one who cultivates the crops.. and you do do raise,, children, (not animals, althought we are ). So, you are in my eyes,, a farmer, of sorts.
Now , I ask the question,,,, are you a farmer or not.. maybe you misspelled it and you are a "framer" only.. one who professes his love of God, but only builds something that will not keep out weather, but lets all see right through at the real "so called farmer", and who finally just rots away?
NO! This "Farmer of God" builds from the "rock of a foundation", (God), and as your crop of God is born by faith, and starts to grow, and you cultivate it,, nothing can tear it down, not even satan with all of hell,, Gods' crops, never rot, they endure for an eternity! So lastly,, I ask again, are you


God, I pray a prayer for all to call out in faith to you and to Jesus, and all become farmers of farmers, cultivators of the crop that joins Your Son in the belief of and worship of You... amen

John HIcks
I see a field of workers in a vast land,, that has been tilted by Christians, and the cultivator of choice in their hand , a cross as the one that was on Calvary,, and they are holding them up,, and you can see the light of the Lord, shinning on all of those "Farmers of God".. come on,, make up your mind,, you are a farmer, or you are not... choice,, and now!

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