Friday, January 21, 2011


TGIF- Friday- Plans have already been laid for the W/E! Now to make it through this day! Good ole W/E! Of all the things that most people get,, and the one they adore most is the W/E,, then if they are lucky, they retire,, guess what,, then each day is like the first of a week-end,, isn't God good? YEA! YEA!

Prayer Requests: Amanda Newby, who has had an operation on her leg,, may she have continued
improvement, and complete healing.

James Streetman, who has been under the weather and having a really rough time.
to continue to improve and get well.


It is about 9:00 p.m... you are at home,,hotel room,,,someones apartment or their home,,,and a knock comes at the door,,,,usually all eyes turn to the entrance,,,and ears are turned in the same direction,,,then you ask,,,"Yes ,,,who is it?" The answer completely quiets the entire room...whether alone or with a is so quite.......... not even the sound of a pin dropping.. The answer is,,,,,,"It is Jesus!"
Now,,, can you,,, or will you,,, open the door immediately? Are you prepared for Him to enter your dwelling? Do you need to move some magazines,,,re-program your T.V., turn off your music,, your computer? Do you need put up or hide the drinks,,,the other "stuff" you may be consuming, spray the room? Do you need to let someone out the back door? My goodness,,,where did I put that Bible,,,,quick!!! I must dust it off, and put it on a table near by ,,,oh yes and open it too!
Oh my,,,my,,,my!!!! Jesus is asking again,,,will you let me in?
Well are you??? or are you trying to hide,,, yes run for the closet,, be real quite and maybe He will go away....hush,,,hush!
He just patiently waits for you, and asks once more ,, Hello,, may I come it? Not just into your physical house,, but your spiritual body, the soul also!
So be sure and keep both in order,, to receive any visitor, for you never know when you will get that



God , I ask that you guide all to You, before it is too late for them to try to clean their house.. amen

John HIcks
There are more Bibles in this Nation, that are dusty, than ones that are shinny and worn from use!
Believe it or not!

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