Saturday, January 8, 2011


Saturday- How will you spend your day? Will you do the things you want, alone, or with someone else? It does not matter, if it is just you, or you and your friend, as long as you take Jesus with you, then it becomes a real day, worth spending with yourself, friend, or the whole town!


I just read an article on how to eat into sleep.. yes ,,, eat to a good nights rest. I have a little trouble with this , since I am always trying to lose weight. They told of ten good foods and drinks that can put you to sleep. and keep you asleep all night. This is a change,, for most times , just grab a sleeping pill, or some kind of calming pill.. and that's' that. Now , we can,, with a good conscious , say,, hey,, we can't sleep,, so lets go get a banana smoothie,,made with skim milk, banana , and ice, blended , no sugar,, for sugar keeps you awake,, salted nuts,, let you sleep.. how about that? Cereal anybody,, as a late night snack,, or a cup of Japanese soup? I am getting to the point slowly,, so if you don't sleep at night,, have you stopped to think why? Is it because you are like me,, you set down in front of the T.V. in a recliner, and watch and sleep,, more sleep the older you get,, then after the late news, you get up stretch, yawn, and say, well, "I need to get some sleep,, goodnight to all" ,,, those who are looking at you so funny because the volume can be turned down for two reasons, the deaf one leaving, and the snorer,, has gone to bed.. whoa, he can't sleep,, wonder why.. then there is the one who is just a nervous wreck,, worrier,, all causes,,maybe conscious,, lost someone,,, right,, what to do? In all this , I never read, that a good prayer to God,, thanking Him and asking for a simple good night sleep, never appeared anywhere in those articles! Well here is one article it will,, after trying all the "gimmicks",, just try God,, He is the best


that I know? How about you?

Lord, let this nation sleep better, by sleeping with you, than dreams of grandeur. amen

John HIcks
Had a good night of sleep last night,,, three hours in the recliner, the rest in bed.. Now for a good day of good dreams in my sub-conscience.. how did you fare last night? Need a "sleep help" pill? Go ahead and call out,, God is listening,, and costs nothing and you can take Him with out water.

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