Wednesday, April 3, 2013


WEDNESDAY! Welcome to the middle day,,, and as you are planning this day, the next days ahead,,, the W/E's,,, have you included the most important item of all, God? As I awake ,, I invite all to grab that out-reaching hand of Jesus, who is always smiling, reaching for you, with all the love you can ever feel ,,, and forgiveness of your sins,,, oh yes, we all have ! Today, make your daily planner, with Jesus first, on each square of each day! Make the choice, time is wasting away with the tick of the clock! Prayer Request: For Lori Mays nephew.. Scotti Jr.. Her brothers oldest son... who they lost unexpected on Good Friday. Please keep this family in your prayers. FLOWERS OF SPRING Yes, it is time , for the flowers of spring to raise their heads, and shine their beauty to all who are looking, and even if your weather is still cold, spring has some sort of a spring flower for you... God did not leave anyone out.. all are blessed with some sort of beauty of these spring flowers. They are not planted each year,, these are the ones that come up,, unplanned , uncultivated, unfertilized,, but sprouting up and out of the ground with a rising by God Almighty. How do I know this,, for HE told us that in the beginning,,, of His word, in the Bible.... Now,,, as you look at these little wonders of God, I ask that you think of these little spring flowers rising up towards the Heavens, and I ask are you prepared for "your" rising, when the time comes? I am just asking , have you planted your seed of rising,, the choice of Jesus, given Him your all,, been blessed by His Blood,, saved , and ready for the blooming of your life as you rise to the Heavens to be the side of His Father, where He sits on the right side,, and will stand by your side at judgment? Make the choice, and be like the spring flower,, ready to rise,, as to when the "spring" of your life may bloom. Lord , I ask that all come to know You, and see that you care for the "spring flower", and as they come to You, they know they are more important to You than the flower,,, and once they accept You, they are Yours forever.. amen John HIcks Make the choice of life,, today,, the choice? Jesus Christ,,, the only guaranteed choice!

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