Tuesday, April 2, 2013


TUESDAY-Waking on this great day of His, with Him, first and foremost.. and I hope you woke with a request of Him to be at your side,, and as you went to sleep, the same request, not only this day, but every day,, for He loves the company,, more than you,, oh yes, He does! So extend this invitation by just asking Him, for He loves to hear from you, and all of us.... so let's make Him the first priority on our list of the days of our lives! Have a great Tuesday! Prayer Request: For little Tripp Halstead,, who is back in the hospital with a liver problem,,, please pray for God to heal this little feller,, for he has with-stood more than most of us grown ups could handle, and He still handles them with smiles, and an upbeat attitude.. God bless this little man!!! For the Family of Rufus Whitmore, who has passed on to Heaven, that they understand and that God will console each one of them. AS WE WATCH, ALL THE EVENTS UN-WIND INTO REALITY! When I was a little boy, and that was some years back , in the late 40's and early 50's,, I listen to preachers cry out in the pulpit ,, the end is here , it is coming , look around you,, World Wars,, I, and II... we are starting the times Jesus told us to look for... well, it scared us as little kids.. BUT,, we listened,, and as we heard the Scripture... for they all ended with, "we don't know when ,but we know the signs, for Jesus said, even He did not know, but only the Father , in Heaven knows of the End Of Time,, but He did give us signs!" Well, I went through the "fall out shelter" days .... the building of bombs that can destroy the world.. saw the "Cuban Missile Crisis",, saw the enemy back down.. and now , I see the rumors and rumors of war ,with Iran, North Korea.. and I see the changes in the seasons. as to whether the trees know , to bloom or not to bloom... the plagues,, yes drought is a plague,,, diseased food,,, disease's call "super bugs" forming.. leaders turned against the people here,,, for greed, the cry for pleasure over reality of the real God, the killing of babies ,, before birth, by abortion,, the marrying of not man to woman, but to anything or anyone... yes the ones who are hanging out,, in the weather, camping on the sidewalks for what?,, why not camp out for God, and His word,,, His plan, His written word, in His book! These things are coming to pass ,,,now right in front of our lives,, both young and old...and do we see these changing of the times. or are they coming so fast we are letting them slip by without really seeing.. do we not see the 'ICE" breaking at the poles, the rising of the tides over their normal height? Do you see.. no,,, I am not as I was done to, trying to scare anyone,, but I am just saying do you see the times and I ask , have you accepted Jesus,, are you prepared for your flame to be extinguished, by what ever means????? I only say to you, AS TIMES UN-WIND,, BE READY FOR ANYTHING,,,FOR BEING PREPARED, IS O.K. AND IT IS POLITELY CORRECT,,, GOD IS NEITHER DEMOCRAT NOR REPUBLICAN! HE IS GOD, AND HE IS REAL, WELL, AND ALIVE TODAY! Lord, thank You for your mercies You have shown us all through-out our lives,, amen John HIcks On watch for my Lord, each and every day,, who do you look for? Make a choice, and live for Him , and not for the day!

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